Chapter Seven

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Rustling leaves alerted my senses as I swiftly drew an arrow and lodged it into my bow. Spinning around I came face to face with someone in the shadows. The arrow almost flew from my bow, but the shadow’s arms rose above its head and it stepped out from the darkness. Seeing a frightened Nash standing there, I snarled and started walking away. I felt my eyes roll as I heard hesitant footsteps start after me, soon followed by running feet. Nash pulled up next to me, huffing and puffing from the running. What can I say? I walk fast when I am upset. 

“What do you want?” I ask him, anger in my voice. I didn’t want to deal with him. He can go back to where he came from.

“Umm…well…I am supposed to come with you. Your mother said too.” He pointed out.

“And since when do you listen to others?” I barked at him. I didn’t want to be around him, but he wasn’t making things any better.  “If you are as clueless as a fish, let me explain things to you. I. Don’t. Want. You. Here.  Go back to the life you had.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, this is my life!” He argued.

“No it is not. Your life is with the Lions in the lion village. Not here. Your place is people loving you and serving you like animals. It disgusts me how arrogant and selfish you are.”  I walk off, not giving him a chance to respond. He huffed in anger and followed after me. Silence followed us for the rest of the day. Both of us were angry and upset; too upset to talk. I walked ahead, not wanting to walk beside him. I took the time to enjoy my surrounding, knowing it could help calm me down. I took in a deep breath of the wood smell. The smell of tree and leaves and life was a blessing. I started to calm down somewhat. The birds flew high ahead while the squirrels gathered nuts and rabbits hopped ahead of us. I wish my home was like this; but it isn’t. Thinking of home reminded me of home and what I was missing. A wave of sadness and homesickness overcame me but I pushed it away, knowing I had to get the medicine or there would be no home to get back too.

My stomach started to get hungry so I pulled out an arrow and shushed Nash. I listened to nature and waited for the right moment.  Quick as lightening, I shot an arrow that hit a bunny. Not losing any time, I let another arrow loose, hitting another bunny. I grabbed the bunnies, grabbed some wood, and started a fire to cook the meat. Nash was silent the whole time, but he did help when he could. We ate in silence as well which I am thankful for since I was lost in my thoughts.

God, I know I lost my temper again. It always catches me and it makes matters worse. I know I need to apologize to Nash, but he drives me insane; and not a good insane. But I have a long journey with him ahead of me. I know I need to make amends. Please help me fight my feelings and fix this.

For the first time in twelve hours; I spoke. “Nash, I am sorry for yelling at you. It wasn’t my place and I was wrong. Please forgive me.” He stared at me in surprise.

“Uh…yeah…I forgive you…and…I am….sorry too…” I stared at his makeshift plate. I smiled at nothing and we finished our meal in silence; but not an awkward silence.

“We can rest here for the night, so you can do whatever.” I get up. “I am going to go take a walk.”  He nods his head and I walk away. I hear water rushing, so I walk towards it, hoping to find a place to wash up. Finding a small, but deep clear pond, I slide out of my clothes and into the water. I let the water glide over me while I relax and let the water calm my muscles. Of course, my thoughts have to turn to my family.  I wonder how they are doing…I wonder how the rest of the village is doing…I wonder if any was had died…

I slowly washed myself, taking my time and enjoying this moment. When I hear a slight rustle of the leaves to my left, I slide out of the water, grab my clothes, and hide behind a tree; tossing my clothes on in a rush. I peek from behind the tree to find Nash standing there; waiting.  

“Warn someone next time!” I tell him. He just shrugs and we walk back to our makeshift camp. “Can you go get some more wood? We are running low.”

“I can…” He smirks and I give him a look.

“Will you go get some more wood?” I re-ask him. “Bone head” I mumble under my breath. He glares at me and walks away while I roll my eyes. I make some beds with dry, dead grass and leaves. I wonder if trees will regrow if I plant them at home.  Nash came back with the wood and placed it on the fire.

Night time is upon us now. Nash and I fall asleep. I dream of home with my family and the life I had. A loud noise woke me up. I lazily opened my eyes, wondering what the entire ruckus was. A growl forces my eyes open all the way; I freeze. Looking around, I see a pair of eyes sticking out from a bush. I slowly and carefully reach over and grab my bow and arrows; I inch my way to Nash and cover his mouth, waking him up. He jerks awake, almost smacking me in the face.

“Shh… there is an animal in the bush. Follow me…quietly…” I whisper to him. We slowly get up; and I get an arrow ready. I shush Nash again since he made a loud racket noise.  We start to slowly back up, an inch at a time, when it jumps at us.

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