Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I hear a small shuffle and a gasp of pain as the arrow hits its target. I freeze as I realize I just shot my twelve year old brother. My heart clenches with pain as I quickly turn around to check the damage I caused. I gasp with surprise at what lays before me. Matt is flat on the ground and the guy I was aiming for at first has an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. His teeth are clenching in pain as trickles of blood start falling down his arm. I glance from the guy in pain to my brother and back again. It then dawns on me that the stranger pushed my brother to the ground and took the arrow for himself. The shuffle I had heard was of this stranger pushing my brother out of the way while the cry of pain was from the stranger and not my brother. I quickly gain my senses back and I thank him for saving my brother. I grab Tess and yell to Matt to come along.

“Come on Matt. We have to finish hunting.”

“Jolene! We need to help him. He saved my life by an arrow that came from you! We can’t just leave him!”

“Matt, the arrow was intended for him in the first place, besides, he is from the Lion group, and one less person isn’t going to make a difference.”

“Jolene, Matt is right. We need to help him. The Bible says to

“…Matt and Tess, come on. I know what the Bible says, but this is a different matter.”

“No it’s not! I’m helping him! Matt, can you help me?”

“Sure, we need to stabilize the wound. But don’t pull the arrow out.”

I watch as Tess and Matt walk to the stranger who is now on the ground about ready to pass out from the pain and blood loss. Matt takes his jacket off and then his shirt. He wraps it around the guy’s arm and arrow, making sure it was in place. Dad must have been training him in survival methods. He gives the guy some water from his canteen and tries to help the guy stand up.  When they fail to help him, Matt looks at me desperately.

“Please, Jolene. Help us!”

I sigh as I look at his helpless face. I sigh heavily as I walk towards them.

“Sometime today Jolene, we need to get him to the town doctor; remember, he has an arrow stuck in his arm?”

“I’m coming; don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m helping you, so we are doing things my way.”

I give the stranger a mean look and he smiles weakly at me. I can tell he is about to lose conscious, but it doesn’t bother me. I start to lift him up and he gasps in pain.

“Oh my, how rude of me! I’m sorry but you will experience some pain in this process, I will try my hardest to make it as pain free as possible!”

I yank his arm up to wrap around my neck and he hisses in pain. I guess I’m not trying my best. Matt and Tess give me a look, so I decide to be a little bit nicer, but only a little. I get him standing, trying to be careful of the wound. As Tess watches the wound, Matt and I practically drag and carry the guy to our village. I know what the rules of all the groups are. No one is allowed in each other’s groups. I wonder what Moose village, the lowest village of the six villages, will say when I bring someone from the Lion village, the top village.

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