Going (5)

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I have and extremely long authors note today, I need you guises' opinion, on well...



Okay, really now. My banner at the top was the original cover of this, is the original cover better or worse than the one I'm currently using?

I'm feeling insecure about it.

Don't know what for.

:) (One of the two songs I've heard from them)

And one last thing:

yes you,
You're almost amazing as Percy Jackson,
Yes you :)
Part I: Aberration

Chapter V: Going

"Freeze." The voice plays again in my mind, achingly harsh yet familiar.

And then my body takes control and is in motion before I can think. I'm in action, I'm not going down without a fight, again.

They stay positioned where the are, which leads me to assume they're going to hang back and fire guns at me, instead of melee or hand-to-hand combat. By the leading guy's body position, I can tell that there are four people on his left, and five on his right. They're about twenty feet away.

I feel so special, they think they need ten people to knock me out.

But they're wrong, they need at least forty. Normal humans are too easy to kill.

Immediately bolting to the left, and an arrow misses me by a few feet. I can tell the archer's not very good, a master is able to pinpoint where I am going to be.

I start counting in my head, timing.

1... 2... 3...

The next arrow horridly shot arrow I manage to catch as it whizzes by to my left, narrowly missing my arm. I flip it mid-air purposefully graze the inside of my wrist, coating the tip in my toxic blood that's not unlike the more powerful Dianthrium Oil, even a small graze can leave a fully grown man stunned for fourteen hours. I hurl it back in the general direction of the bowman.

There are no more arrows shot. I almost burst into hysterical tears, we were having so much fun!

Energy courses through me as I surge, suddenly I feel powerful enough to take on forty-one men.

I bring my left hand up and will it to fire, feeling the five Crystalline Silver bullets shoot out from my hand, electrically charged with lightning from my previous energy surge. Two of them hit the standardly dressed man with three golden stars on his uniform closest to me, and three whiz beside him.

The man immediately collapses from the Red Dianthrium poison that all my darts are dipped in, he starts convulsing as the hallucinations take his mind and worm into his fears. The Lightning only adds to the affect as he practically glows electric blue and sparks actually fly from him onto other bystanders. Stinging pricks that resemble a cattle brand.

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