Tough Choice

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"Uh." Groaned Fanny as she yarned stretched her legs. "What time is it?" He reached over and grabbed her iphone. "Whoaaa I'm almost late for my appointment."
She quickly got out of bed and rushed to the shower, after which she got dress in a tight fitting knee length leather pencil skirt and a long sleeved chiffon white blouse, she buckled up her black pointy toe balenciaga heels and was grabbing her purse...
"Dammit, my hair." Her curls were all over her face. Fanny quickly brushed her hair in place then pulled it into a neat bun.
"No makeup today, just some eyeliner, mascara and my favourite pink buttercup lippie and whalaaa, I'm ready."
She grabbed her bag and exited her room.
"Good morning Fans, I'm making breakfast you want? Saltfish fritters and bacon."
"Where did you get salted fish from?" Question Fanny.
"I have my ways." Becka replied.
"Ok I'm super late just throw some in a container."
Becka quicky got a container and packed it for Fanny. "Here you go."
"Thank you, and by the way good morning."
"See you later bestie, kick ass today."
"It's my specialty Becks, catch you later."
Within the space of 3 minutes she was in the garage getting her car.
Fanny drove her dad's old sedan, it was sentimental to her, she grew up going everywhere in it. Her friends would tease her that it wasn't up to par with her status but she didn't care, she loved old Ben. That was its name, old Ben.

After what seemed to be a long drive down the boulevard she finally pulled up to the building she should have closed the deal for 20 minutes ago.
"Ahh Fans, you're finally here, i had to stall the Gordon brothers for this meeting to still be in effect." Said Joley
"Thank you Jo, you're the best at what you do." Fanny replied.

Fanny quickly stepped out of old Ben, straightened her skirt and made her way up the curb, into the building, and into the elevator until she was finally standing in the conference room that would soon be hers.
"Gentlemen." She greeted with a flash of pure white teeth. "You must pardon my tardiness."
Who could resist that smile and warmth. The answer is nobody.
They kicked the meeting into gear and was soon on their way to closing the deal on the building, atleast that's what Fanny thought when in walked Mr goody goody.
It was unbelievable how men, grown ass men could stumble and fumble at the sight of one man. Fanny felt perplexed and sat back in her seat rolling her eyes.
"Hello." He greeted.
"What's he doing here?" Asked Fanny.
"He's a prospective buyer, like yourself miss Del Van Trey." Spoke Rob Gordon.
"Gentlemen, and ladies, I must introduce to you Mr Asturias, he's interested in buying the building at hand..."
Fanny was dumbfounded at how snobbish and self absorbed Rob Gordon sounded.
"Actually it's ladies and gentlemen." She protested.
"Right." He responded.
"Yes, the matter at hand is, Mr Asturias sees the building as a potential tech ground, which would aid in the distribution of high end technology to top businesses, being in the business for over 10 years after being mentored by the senior Asturias himself, we're certain he'll put the building to good use.
"So basically, you're implying because Mr. Asturias is "richer" you'll sell to him." Fanny snapped.
"That's not what we meant mam." Replied the fat stocky elder Gordon.
"That's exactly what you said sir, and please don't mam me. However, what you can do is send me the credentials and information for the bank so i can make payment. Have a good day."
Fanny was all the way irritated, after months of searching for the ideal building and finally finding it, here comes Mr. Oh I'm rich i can buy out other's peoples dream. "Damn it" she hissed, after realizing she broke her shoe heal. "Today is not the day damn it."she sweared while half hopping to her car.
"Miss Del Van Trey do you need a ride home?" Asked Demetrio.
Fanny was infuriated, after almost buying the building she wanted, and in her mind causing her heal to break, here was Mr. billionaire offering her a ride. She swore he did not know when to stop.
"Thank you, I'm fine."she half smiled.
"I insist madam." He said staring directly into her eyes.
"Well i insist on alot of things, you don't see me going around shouting i insist." She quipped. She was perplexed at the fact that even while being angry he still made her uneasy in a sexual kind of way.
"Are you always this prissy?" He asked.
"Prissy? You sir know nothing about me." She answered.
"Are you mad because I'm a potential buyer of this building, or are you mad because i said i wanted you?"
His accent was killing her.
"Correction, you want to fuck me." She pointed out.
", among other things." He replied.
Demetrio was enjoing how perplexed she was, he thought she was quite the beauty, not like what he was used to. She was exotic. He took notice in the way some of her hair was matting around her face, he loved her curls, he wanted to toss them gently away from her face.
"Well sir, first impression is not everything, but the second pretty much sums it up, and what to say for the third? You're not exactly a gentleman in my books." She stated.
Demetrio felt a little hurt, but he composed himself, he didn't usually care what women thought about him.
"If you come with me, I'll leave you and your building alone and settle elsewhere." He couldn't believe he had just proposed such a thing to a brat.
"How do i know you'll stay true to your proposal?" Fanny asked.
"I can make the call right now and back out." He replied.
"No need to, I'll come. But i can't just leave Ben here." She muttered.
"He could ride with us." He offered.
Fanny snickered. "Ben is my car."
"Oh, i can let my driver take it home for you?" He suggested but in an uncertain way.
"No one has ever driven Ben away from my dad."
He could see that the car held sentimental values to her.
"My driver will take very good care of your Ben Fanaya."
She liked the way he said her name.
"Call me Fanny please."
"Ok Fanny" he agreed.
He moved over to her and scooped her up in his arms with one swift movement. Fanny was astonished.
"I can walk." She protested.
"I want to carry you, besides your heel is broken." He said coolly.
"I could still walk, it's not that big of a deal." She continued.
"As i said, i want to carry you."
Despite protesting, Fanny felt good in his arms, he was solid and he smelled incredibly good. She flexed a little, slowly becoming uncomfortable because she remembered she didn't know him all too well.
"It's ok." He said staring down on her as if reading her mind. "You're safe with me."
Fanny blushed a little.
They were soon on the curb when the driver pulled up, Fanny handed her car keys to a man dressed in a tux and dark glasses then entered the Black GMX. Demetrio got in beside her.
"Where to Senorita?" He asked.
His accent was killing her.
"Be my guest" she replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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