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It's 2013, 19 years since Kurt Cobain made the choice to take his own life.

..Or so we thought.

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The wind made my reddish orange hair blow everywhere but in my face thankfully. My backpack full of school books didn't weigh me down at all. And I found beauty in the sky today.

This is why I love longboarding.

It helps me forget about all the bullshit around me. Y'know, like school, my family, my peers, everything shitty in this world. It can be forgotten, just like that.

I pushed myself and skated into the parking lot of one of the many 711s my town has to offer. I got off my longboard, picked it up and carried it inside with me.

"Hey Izzy" Chad, the guy behind the counter greeted me.

"Heya Chad" I handed him my longboard and went off in pursuit of what I came for in the first place.

A 711 slurpee.

And y'know maybe some fritos and cigarettes.

The usual.

Once I had a bag of fritos and my slurpee of heaven, I walked up to the counter and paid.

"Hey Chad can you grab me a pack of Marlboro 100s?" I was pushing my luck.

He sighed. "Iz, I know we're pals and everything but c'mon. You're under 19. I can't give you cigarettes."

"Oh c'mon Chad. Please. It's not like you haven't done it before" It's sad how much I will guilt trip someone but hey I need my smokes.

He sighed and grabbed me a pack. "Try to make this pack last, I'm not gonna always give in like this."

I smiled "You said that the last four times."

He rolled his eyes and I coughed up the cash. "Did you here about the Foo Fighters?" Chad asked me. He knew I genuinely enjoyed them. Especially Dave. Although, I did prefer the band he was in before Foo Fighters just a little bit more.

My smile grew "Yeah they're coming to town for a concert next week." Then realization hit. "And tickets sold out and I can't see them." My smile soon faded.

"Well what if I told you that I had two tickets for the show, and one of them has your name on it..?" Chad had the biggest smile on his face and revealed in fact two tickets for the Foo Fighters concert for next Thursday. "OH MY FUCK CHAD ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I dropped my purchases and was practically screaming.

Don't let me fool ya, I try not to bring more attention to myself. It just kinda happens. Like when people tell me they have managed to get tickets to see a kickass band and wanna take me with them.

"Dead fucking serious Isabela!" Chad gave me my ticket.

"Chad, usually I'd knock you the fuck out for using my full first name but I can't cause you're awesome as fuck for getting me a ticket!" I exclaimed and kissed the ticket that I was currently holding with nearly shaky hands.

He chuckled "I know, hence why I took the opportunity."

I literally jumped over the counter and hugged the hell out of my new favorite person on this planet. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" This seriously made my day twenty times better.

And that ladies and gentlemen is not necessarily an easy thing to do.

We pulled away and he handed my longboard. "Now go home, do your homework so you can have a good future and stuff." Chad tried to be fatherly to me, seeing as my own father can't be fatherly to me cause he's an alcoholic asshole.

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