michapizza is born

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[michelle is michael if you hadn't caught on by now]

one day michelle iz sittin on couch while watch tv. much hunger. so michelle get up and walk to grocery store where he find nothing!! good!! to!! eat!! michelle is sad. michelle end up cri. he cri on road. he hav no friends. sad face. but then michelle smile becuz he remember he have pizZa. michelle love pizza. so michelle stand up and go to pizza place.
michelle is got to pizza place. he is lookin for dat right pizza, the one that make his hart go pitter patter pow pow kaboom splat luv. he iz searchin de options of pizza when he see mos butiful pizza in world. michelle look at pizza. michelle smile becuz big beauti in front face. michelle has bIG dreamz for pizza and him. he want to do everything. michelle iz want be relationship goals with pizza.
the pizza is plain. iz got nothing on it but a lot of cheeeeze :-))) michelle liek cheeze a loT. pizza has one more thing. pizza has layerz of pepeppeperoni piled up on each side. yuM! michelle alwayz had thing for big bewbs. so michelle tell wise pizza man: "i want dis pizza"
wise pizza man is mean! "no" wise pizza man say. "dis is limiiited edition. i donz give away" michelle is much sad now. what will make michelle happy? there iz nothing. that pizza is oNLY answer. michelle leave wise pizza man and sad pizza place. michelle go cri on sidewalk. all michelle want iz dat pizza? will he ever get the luv of life?


authors note:
[hey guys!! lmao. i hope u enjoyed reading the first part of michelles long journey to love. you should stay tuned and definitely follow. this is 100% humor and i hope some people like that and pass on the word of this fanfic. maybe ill even get a good amount of reads ;-) can that happen? love uu!!]

instagram \\ ratedmgc
tumblr \\ svgarluke.tumblr.com
catch ya next time!
- arianna ☁️☁️☁️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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