Chapter 3

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"I'm not giving up on her!"

A hard, quick slap to Jonathan's face had caused him to quickly ball his hands into fists and swing at his attacker, which he completely missed.

"You're absolutely dense if you believe I'd let you keep going on like this," Wildcat spat. "She's fucking gone and you're not the only one who's grieving. Don't you think the rest of the gang misses her, that I miss her. She was a pain in the ass, but we all loved her so shut your fucking mouth before I knock your teeth out!"

The threat he had just made was a bit over the top, but what Tyler said was true. It had been almost a month. Day after day, everyone would be met with another disappointment, but it was Delirious who took it the hardest.

Tyler was the only one sensible enough to attempt to tell Delirious that the possibility of finding Alice alive was slim to none. Even he had to come to terms with that.

Although Alice wasn't Tyler's favorite person in the gang, he had to admit that she left a big impact on all of them, even himself. He hadn't liked her in the beginning and she in turn, didn't like him, but that hatred diminished with each passing day together. Now, Tyler respected her with everything he had. Alice had provided them with control and power over Los Santos and asked for nothing in return, but a family. Tyler was part of that family.

Now, that was gone. It hurt him as much it hurt Jonathan, but Tyler knew that weeping and spending their time looking for her was a waste by now.

He sighed, stopping at the doorway, his back turned towards Delirious. "Hope won't bring her back and neither will driving around in circles. She was important to me as well," he said quietly, leaving Jonathan's room.

Delirious immediately felt horrible hearing Tyler's words. Even though it was Tyler who had slapped him for acting like a child, he wasn't mad. Jonathan was only mad at himself. He should've known that finding Alice would be impossible by now and he should've been considerate over everyone else's loss. He wasn't the only one.


Alice spent the last two weeks like the ones before:reading, swimming, and sleeping.

It was painfully boring, but she didn't want to risk angering Evan again. He was her only chance to finding her father.

"Little one?"

The green eyed girl turned her head away from her book and towards the kitchen, where Evan was preparing lunch for the two. Over the past few days, he had began to call her 'little one' a lot more.

"Why don't you put that down for a bit and tell me how this tastes?"

The raven haired girl set her book face down so she didn't lose her oage and got up from the couch and walked next to Evan.

He lifted up a wooden spoon with some of the soup he just made. Evan brought it up to her lips and she took a sip. Even though Evan was crazy, she couldn't deny that he was such a sweet person when he wanted to be and a great cook.

"What'd you think?"

"It's really good, babe."

Evan planted a short kiss on her nose and let her go back to reading. He was silently ecstatic that Alice had began calling him 'babe', but the young woman could tell that it made Evan happy when she called him by a nickname. In all honesty, she didn't know why she did that. She just blurted out one day and it kind of just stuck.

Alice realized that she had become so much more comfortable with Evan, even after his outburst. She couldn't help but smile when he smiled at her, or feel happy when he planned their dates, or love him when he did any of these things. In other words, she was hopelessly screwed.

She was falling for a psychopath who was currently keeping her imprisoned in a mansion, but there was an important factor that contributed to her feelings. Most captors didn't show affection towards their victims, especially heartfelt affection like Evan did.

She heard Evan shout and hadn't even realized that she hadn't even touched her book. The green eyed girl spent the last five minutes just thinking of Evan. It had been happening constantly. For some unknown reasom, she felt safe enough around Evan to not be in high alert. Because of this, she usually found herself day dreaming or lost in thought.

Hearing Evan's shout, Alice headed to the kitchen in a rush and found him next to the counter with an ice pack placed on the palm of his hand.

"What happened?" Alice's tone expressed her worrisome feelings for Evan.

"Its nothing, little one," Evan said, turning the stove off with his good hand and going towards the stairs. "Its just a little burn."

Knowing that Evan probably would struggle with tending to the burn with one hand, Alice held his hand and walked with him up the stairs. Once they reached the bedroom, which they now shared even if there were tens of rooms in the mansion, Alice made him sit on the floor while she got the medical kit.

The burn made her wince when she came back and took the ice pack off. "You have to be more careful, babe."

"I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally set my hand on the pan instead of the handle," Evan explained, a bit embarrassed that he was so careless.

Alice shook her head and began helping him. First, she wiped Evan's hand clean since he got some food on it, making him grimace in pain. Then she had to apply an ointment and wrap the hand up in a thin, white bandage. It wouldn't do much now, but in a few days the burn will hopefully be gone because of the ointment.

"Is the food done?" She asked. Evan nodded in response. "Then why don't we go eat and continue watching 'Fairy Tail' on Netflix."

Evan was perfectly fine with that plan so he followed Alice downstairs, where she set up the food on the large coffee table in the living and got two drinks. They sat down on the couch after they closed the windows and dimmed the lights. Alice put their show on and began eating the soup Evan had made.

These were the moments she loved, but she knew they wouldn't last.


Yay, I updated. What do you guys think of Evan now? And Tyler? This was mostly a filler, but hopefully the next chapter has something exciting. Vote and comment

And as always I hope ye enjoy (:)

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