Dead Winter {GUMIRIN}

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Rin and Gumi were walking back from a quick trip to the department store to buy things like sketchbooks, snacks, manga, and even a cosplay magazine they had found. Gumi was carrying the plastic bag, holding it close to her like it was a life preserver. Her teeth chattered from the cold, frigid gusts of wind that was trying to lure her in. She tucked her nose into her red and white striped scarf that Miku, her friend, had given her. It was wooly and thick, but still couldn't keep Gumi's teeth from chattering.

Rin, however, was seeming to enjoy herself. She was holding onto a Takobucks coffee cup, trying to coax the small amount left in it onto her tongue. She eventually gave up, though, and threw the cup into the nearest trash can. She gave a fake pout, and cuddled back into the blue peacoat she was wearing.

Trees dotted the sides of the streets, and a thick blanket of white snow was lying on top of everything it could cover. The sky was the same color of Rin's eyes, Gumi noticed, looking into Rin's cerulean colored pair of eyes. She was happy when she saw a particular tree on the corner the two girls were approaching. It was a very large tree with a hole inside of it. That hole being the exact shape of a heart. It meant Gumi and Rin were a block away from home.

"Almost there!" Rin exclaimed. She must of noticed the tree, Gumi thought.
"You're right." Gumi mumbled, trying hard to speak with her teeth being so chattery.
"Wanna watch a movie when we get home?"
"Sure, why not?"

Now coming to the large townhouse that belonged to the two of them, Rin broke into a run as she ran up to the front door. She grabbed her keys out of her pocket and began, with a shaking un-mittened hand, to unlock the door. It had rapidly started to snow. The flakes poured out of the sky and landed gracefully on their toes, only making the blanket of snow even thicker.

Gumi approached the door, and grabbed the key Rin was trying to unlock it with. She then, like a boss, unlocked the deadbolt with a red-gloved hand. Gumi placed the key back into the palm of an annoyed looking Rin, pulling her into the hallway.

"Oh, come on, Gumi-"

They were both extremely surprised. Rin had expected the house to be warm and welcoming, but it wasn't. This was as cold, almost colder. Gumi's eyes widened as she checked the thermostat. She looked at Rin with a horrified glance.

"Rin, the furnace's broken. It needs a new part." Gumi said, looking into Rin's light sky blue eyes. Gumi's eyes were a dull green yellow.

"Call the handyman guy!" Rin requested. Gumi was already typing in the number they kept in a floral address book. She began to talk fast, requesting that the handyman was to be there in 15-20 minutes, and that they also bring the new part. At the end of the call, Gumi agreed to something said on the other end of the line and hung up.

"They're coming!" Gumi announced.

{~Time skip~}

"I'm so glad the heater's fixed," Rin said happily. Gumi nodded in agreement as she reached for the popcorn. Rin giggled as Gumi watched the movie. Originally, Gumi wanted to watch a horror action movie, but Rin won the argument. So, obediently, Gumi watched the shoujo melodramas with Rin. Rin loved shoujo.

The snowfall was even thicker than it was previously. Blizzard warnings were scattered all around social media, so Gumi and Rin knew there was chance of a power outage and outrageous storm. But, they ignored the warnings, until the TV unexpectedly shut off during the middle of a movie. Gumi looked at it a bit, and faced Rin, whom's Wifi wasn't responding, and said, "Rin, the TV just turned off." Gumi got up and tried to turn it on again, but got no signal that it was even a real, working TV. Rin looked at the situation, then looked out the window. She could see no lights.

"Gumi, the power just went out!" She declared. Gumi sighed and turned on her iPhone. She looked at the weather channel and her Facebook feed. She learnt it was supposed to be the coldest night of the year tonight, and also that the power wouldn't restore until around noon tomorrow. She turned off her phone so she wouldn't use to much of her cellular data, and placed onto the coffee table infront of the television Gumi and Rin were just watching,

Gumi began to notice it was much colder than it was 5 minutes ago, and came to realize that if she and her best friend wanted to stay warm while they slept, or even sleep at all, they'd have to get all the blankets in the house, put them on the Hid-a-bed futon upstairs, and lastly, sleep together. In the same bed. Gumi, hesitantly, began to explain the situation. Rin agreed.

Later that night, the 2 VOCALOIDs put all of the blankets on the futon double bed. Then, they went downstairs to get into their pajamas. Rin came up after Gumi, who was sporting a pale orange knee length top. Rin was wearing a set of pale yellow pajamas. While the two got into bed, they talked a little bit about shoujo boys and the ones they'd either sell to the butcher, or marry and move to some country home in rural Japan.

Once Rin turned off the last lamp, and the two girls said good nights to each other, Gumi began to fall asleep. She dreamed the weirdest dream that night, yet that dream felt so real...

She wasn't awake to feel Rin's lips against her cheek and the short three words of "I love you". And she certainly wasn't awake when Rin snuggled up into her chest and fell asleep. <3


Mirai-chan's Note

Thank you guys so so so so much for reading my first chapter! I'm guessing it's extremely cheesy, but I did try my best. I've had this idea in my mind for a while, so I had to write it down.

Next, I'll be writing a EXTREMELY short IA x Miku. After that, I think I'll open requests!

Again, thanks for reading, and I hope to see you again in the next chapter, which features IA x Miku!


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