Popular Girls Aren't Always that Bad (MIKUUNI)

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Requested by skyprincess33 !
The first request!
"Today, I'd like to introduce a new student." The teacher announced. Uni looked up from her sketchbook, surprised by the news. She drew a lot. It was one of her favorite past times, even if sometimes, there was a teacher saying 'Uni you better put that away so I know you're paying attention'. Or something like that.

Uni didn't like school in general. She didn't have friends, other than a girl named SeeU that didn't even really count. The last conversation they had was a exchange of "Hi". Uni was a smaller-than-average Korean girl in a Japanese school, sent by her parents because 'This place will be a better fit for you, Uni.' Uni hated it. She wanted to go back to her old school, where she had actually made some real good friends.

"I'm needless to remind you guys, hopefully, of the rules of kindness here. Let's welcome Hatsune Miku to the classroom!" The teacher exclaimed, walking over to the door and opening it. Moments later, a girl with long aqua pigtails came into the room. "I'm Hatsune Miku! I hope you'll take care of me!" She greeted cheerfully, smiling at her new classmates.

Uni watched the new girl curiously as she walked down the aisle, sitting next to a tall boy with tousled blond hair thrown into a low ponytail. She smiled sweetly at the boy, taking out a colorful notebook decorated with many cutesy stickers before the beginning of the lesson.
When the lunch bell rung, Miku was instantly being clouded by the entirety of the girls in the class. Uni frowned at the crowd, stuffing her school supplies into her bag and stomping out into the schoolyard for lunch. 

She sat down underneath a tree and pulled out a bottle of Strawberry milkshake. Taking a sip, Uni laid  her back on the tree trunk and pulled out a book. Humming to herself, she didn't notice when a particular girl sat down next to her and pulled out a cookie.

"Hello!" said Hatsune Miku, biting the cookie daintily. Uni jumped, shutting her book and looking to the side, surprised. She nodded, taking another sip of her milkshake. 

"Hi." exchanged Uni, evaluating the girl next to her. She was very cute, Uni noticed. She couldn't stop thinking that. One thing she decided is that 'Uni even though she's cute she still isn't cute'. Uni would NOT let herself fall into Miku's trap of cute, pink and sparkles. Absolutely not. 

How could she not? She asked herself, staring at the small girl.

"Ummm... Uni?" Asked the curious Miku. Uni recoiled and went back to her book, feeling awkward since A) She just embarrassed herself and B) Miku was still staring at her. Uni began to sweat. What if this petite girl didn't like her anymore because she was so rude? Uni felt shaky.

"I like you." Said Miku, breaking off a part of her cookie and giving it to Uni. Uni closed her book and blushed as she took a bite. It was rich and delicious, and the chocolate was sweet, yet not to sweet. Uni automatically loved it.

"Thank you." Replied Uni. Miku looked around cautiously, as though what she was about to say was extremely confidential. 

"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow? For a sleepover?" Asked Miku. Uni's eyes widened.   She nodded frantically, giving Miku a small hug. Miku, in Uni's arms, smiles and gives Uni a kiss.

"I really  like you, Uni. No- sorry- I had a crush on you when I first saw you."

"Thank you."

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