Chapter 4

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A tear falls down my cheek as I run to her. I wrap my arms around her frail body, loud sobs coming from her mouth.

"H-Harry oh my god I can't believe you're alive I thought you were gone for good," she gasps for air, as I rub her back, quieting her.

"Shh, I'm here now," I whisper, a couple more tears falling. I can't believe she's in a wheelchair because of what I did. "I am so sorry Gemma I didn't mean any of thi-"

"Harry it's okay, I'm okay," a small smile making its way into her drained, pale but beautiful face. My sister is right in front of me, and it's like I'm meeting her for the first time.

"I missed you Harry," she sniffles, and I nod as in 'I missed you too.' I just can't wrap my head around what actually happened to make me have Amnesia, and her having to cope in a wheelchair.

"Gemma, I can't remember what happened. No matter how hard I think, I can't remember anything from before I woke up a couple of days ago. I had to look myself up to find out who I am, and I saw that you were in hospital and supposedly my sister so I came down here and-"

"Harry calm down. What do you mean you can't remember anything from before hand?" She has a confused look on her face, and I take a deep breath. Here it goes.

"I have amnesia," I whisper, looking at the ground. I hear a quiet gasp, and I look up at her, only regretting my decision. Her face is suddenly paler, and large tears are streaming down her skinny face. "Are you serious?" She asks, her voice trembling. I take her hands in mine as I slowly nod, my feet seeming interesting to me at this point. She lets go of my hands, only for her to hug me in a tight embrace.

"I am so sorry Harry I didn't know," she whispers in my ear, repeating 'I'm so sorry' over and over until we are both weak and our eyes dry form crying.


We have been sitting down in this tiny hospital bed for hours on end, just watching to shows back to back. After I kindly refused the nurse to not let me go, and their eyes widening after they realised who I am, they quickly brought us back some disgusting, hardly edible hospital food and left us in peace. Gemma has been happy as all could be, laughing at almost every joke I crack. Life couldn't get any better at this point.

It has been around three days since I first came to visit Gemma and each night I dreamt. I dreamt of what happened while I was unconscious, which fucking scared the hell out of me. The chains, the metal bed, the creature, just fucking everything. I woke up three times during the night last night, sweat coating my body as I relived my dark nightmare.

Gemma of course didn't know about it. I wasn't going to tell her any time soon, mainly because it was childish and embarrassing.

I heard her sniffle beside me, so I turned to look at her. Her body has grown in a healthy size, her cheeks no longer sunken in and her eyes don't have black rings around them like they did when I first came here.

"Gem, what's wrong?" I asked, concern lacing my tone. She shakes her head, and I nudge my shoulder with hers. She looks up at me, a small tear ready to fall.

"Hey, you can tell me," I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer. She looks away from me, obviously embarrassed.

"I miss mum and dad," she whispers. My eyes widen slightly, I was not expecting that..

"So do I, even though I don't really remember them," I chuckled, no humour in my voice whatsoever. I looked back up at the tiny screen that was connected to the roof, taking a glimpse of what is on there. I suddenly needed a distraction from this heartache.

"Harry they really loved you. They loved us. They went out of their way just to make us happy, which isn't surprising. Mum was a character, to be honest. Their was never a dull moment shared between the four of us, and it makes me mad that a little brain damage has caused you to not remember any fucking thing," she replies, the tone of her voice growing angrier by the end of her speech. I didn't even realise I was crying until Gemma wiped away a tear of my cheek, carefully capturing it with the pad of her thumb.

"Hey, it's okay. You have me. You have your fans, and most importantly, you have the boys. Niall, Louis and Liam are all so worried about you, they care so much. They had to stop the last piece of the tour because you got in the accident, although you guys only had about five or six shows left," she rambled, obviously knowing more than me. What a buzz kill, I can't believe I let down my own fans just because I got in a stupid accident. For fuck sakes.

"Are they angry at me?" I looked at her, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Some of them are devastated, but they will get over it. A few even left your fan base, but honestly if they left because you got in an accident they shouldn't have been in there in the first place. Don't worry though. They all still love the fuck out of you and the boys," she smiled, myself finding a smile stretching across my face.

"Thank you," I kissed her forehead, humming.

"What for?" She was confused. I shrugged, baring my teeth in a grin.

"Just for everything."

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