♠Chapter 10♥

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"And this is your room!" Yong's loud voice announced, flamboyantly pushing the guests' room's door open. He grinned wide, very proud of the huge hospitality he thought showing the couple.

"It's... really nice, Yong!" Yao smiled slightly, awkwardly holding Kiku's hand. Kiku gripped it back, looking away most of the time.

Kiku had started to get annoyed by the Korean siblings. They felt like an obstacle in the way to a nice talk with Yao. Alone.

"I'm glad you like!" How good the reciprocated hate felt, not even being given a chance to speak up about the room. "Now, get in! I would ask you to don't fuck tonight, but Jappy over here doesn't like the hoohah!"

Kiku shot a glare at the tallest one, a rare feeling of rage boiling in his blood as the mocking man sniggered and laughed at him. Yao's gaze met the dusty wooden floor beneath his feet, and Hyung stared at Kiku apologetically, almost understanding and sharing Kiku's embarrassment.

The Japanese man sighed and walked in, wanting to get rid of the siblings as soon as possible. Yao followed close, getting in the bed and hoping that there were no bugs under the blankets.

Kiku got in too, sighing and slowly calming down. He stared at the little TV in front of him and grabbed the control remote from his night table. Maybe he could use it to avoid Yao's anger or annoying questions at some point.

His shoulders propped down in relaxation as Yong shut their door tightly, and heard their footsteps motioning to their own room.

Kiku looked around the room. Sadly, that part of the house had been touched by Yong's horrible taste too.

The walls were covered in hideous, floral themed wallpaper; and the floor was wooden under a thick layer of dust. Did they even broom upstairs? The bed was big, but uncomfortable. It was filled with lumps that sometimes moved, much to Yao's despair. The blinding neon orange blankets were ripped in some spots, same with the old white covers. Outside the white wood-framed window, one of the beautiful trees brushed its leaves against the glass. A mosquito paradise in a warm night like that one.

In short, the guests' room was so ugly and mismatched you'd want to claw your eyes out as soon as you had the privilege to see it.

Not to mention the cold. And Yao huddled in the far corner of the bed, away from Kiku, wasn't helping a lot. Kiku was definitely in a bad mood. He would have texted Alfred, but he knew that the American had recently met a beautiful Vietnamese woman, and that she was over at Alfred's that night. So he was alone.

"So..." Yao mumbled softly.

The low voice of the news reporter, along with the strong music they used as a theme almost drowned Yao's voice. But it had been too long without speaking for Kiku not to notice.

"Hm?" It was the only thing Kiku managed to get out. A simple hum for Yao to continue.

Yao's lip trembled slightly, not really sure of what to say next. "Did you... enjoy the dinner?"

What an awful subject to talk about.

"Yeah," Kiku lied, not wanting to make Yao feel worse. "It was nice. Did you?"

Yao nodded quickly. "Do you like my cousins? Sorry about Yong Soo though," He sighed. Why was Yao making him lie that much? "Yeah, they're nice,"

After a few awkward moments of silence, Yao seemed to build up enough courage and dare to look up at Kiku. "So, are you going to explain what happened that day or what?" He sounded almost fierce, wanting to finish the interrupted argue. But Kiku could read in his eyes that he didn't.

The raven-haired man couldn't hold a heavy sigh back. He was too exhausted to tell Yao that there was nothing to explain, for the hundredth time.

"You snapped! You pushed me away and told me to leave you alone! There's something you need to tell me and I want to hear it now!" The desperation in Yao's voice overpowered the anger and pain.

It was almost disappointing to Kiku, having that painfully pointless talk once again. "I said, it was nothing. You could. Understand." He spoke pausedly, not wanting to snap at Yao again. He sighed and took deep breaths.

"I don't care wether I understand or not! Just tell me!!"

"I said there's nothing!! Would you ever listen, Yao? Nothing!"

"Well, for sure it's something! You never yelled or got angry before that happened, look at you now!"

"Because it isn't my fault!! Before you never constantly bugged me to tell something that doesn't exist or stopped talking to me!"

"Oh? So it's my fault now?!"

"In part, yes!!"

It was slowly breaking Kiku 's heart. He hated it. He couldn't stand being angry at Yao for so long, but he just wasn't able to face Yao's fierce amber glare.

He couldn't tell the truth. Yao'd mock him, call him all sort of things. Kiku himself thought of himself as a liar, a lied liar. He'd told everyone he was asexual just to now feel attraction. Ironic and stupid.

Yao'd think that it had only been a trick for him to relax and test his loyalty. He could have found a lover who pleased his libido, but he didn't. He did it himself, when Kiku was asleep or working so he didn't feel guilty. Because he really cared about Kiku's feelings.

Kiku was too scared to tell the truth.

"Kiku!! Are you listening to me?!"

Kiku flinched. No, he wasn't listening.

"Yes I am!! I'm just not going to reply to your stupid nonsense!" The words slipped from Kiku's lips too quickly, like arrows that dug deep into Yao's chest.

The Chinese man's temper slowly toned down, pain reflected in his face. "N-Nonsense?" He repeated, just to carve the pain deeper.

Kiku bit his lip. "No- Yao, wait- I--" "No! Kiku!! It hurt me! It really hurt me and still does, and you call it stupid nonsense!"

He gulped, wanting to disappear that instant. "Yao... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--" Yao's teary glare cut him off.

"Look, Kiku, maybe it's better if we--"

Suddenly a striking sound from the tv made them flinch. The picture of an Asian man showed on screen. Yao's face seemed to drain colourless.

"Chinese neuro-psychologist Zhen Hao kills his partner, a young Asian man, this morning. The police investigated Zhen's laboral history and finds a folder filled with complex psychological techniques to destroy a person, from verbal abuse and hypnosis to physical torture. Zhen Hao was taken to prison as soon as he was caught, supposedly two hours after the incident. The neuro-psychologist took his own life in prison, using a stolen lime."

As soon as the reporter moved to other news, Kiku could feel Yao trembling violently, curled up in a little ball beside him. Kiku held him close, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead.

Yao was crying.

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