It's my party and ill cry if i want to

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Today was the day and Riley was so excited it was her first actual party since first moving here she had everything she had friends , a guy , and great grades.

Time skip

She arrived on time to the place greeted by a zombie "hey Jason" she says "Riley you look amazing " he says. "Thanks" I say. I see Marie, Nick, and Robbie all conversing . I go over to say hi. " hey " I say to her. "Hey" she greets me in her pirate ensemble with Nick in a matching costume, and Robbie as Peter pan.
"Wow you look great" I say to them. "Cool party" I say to her "thanks" She says.

Time skip

"And then he was never seen again muhahaha" Robbie Finishes instead of screaming everyone laughed. Poor Robbie , "let me try " A masked figured said it was Nick's friend from AP Calculus . Jim I think he started with his story it got to it's climax then the power went out when they came back on two clowns were standing by Marie. One look and she ran to her room crying. As soon as that happened Nick Tackled one of the Masked clowns while Jason Tackled down the other one they removed the masks and it was Jim and Henry from Nick's AP Calculus class "What the hell dude why would you do that" Nick says fuming . "Sorry dude Bella paid us" Jim says. "Yeah well get out" Nick growls. "I'll go check on her" I say. I go to her room and see her wiping her tears on her bed. I walk over to her and say "hey are you okay?". "Yeah are the clowns gone ?". She says "Yeah Nick and Jason kicked them out" I say. "Who were they?" She asks. " Jim and Henry from Nick AP Calculus class" I say. "Jerks" she scoffs . "how did they find out about my clown phobia anyway?" She asks. "Idk some one tipped Bella and she paid them to do this" I say. "Well that tip must be from inside this group because beside my my family they're the only ones who knows" she says. "Who do you think did it?" I ask . "Maybe Robbie but I don't want to assume anybody" she says. There's a knock at the door "come in" Marie says. "Hey, you alright" Nick says from the doorways. "Yeah I'm felling better thanks to Riley" she smiles. He step into the room. That's my cue to leave "Hey Riley thanks" Nick says. "No problem" I tell him. As I'm walking back to the living room I overhear Robbie on his phone "yes Bella it happened listen I don't know if I want to do this anymore yes I like being with you but I don't know if I want to keep hurting my friends yes okay bye" Robbie hangs up I stand there in silence so Marie was right it was someone from our group. As I turn to leave before Robbie sees me I hear someone call me "hey Riley" crap so much for subtlety. I face the voice expecting to see a annoyed Robbie instead I'm met with a confused Jason "what's wrong Riley" he says. "Nothing" I lie. "Come on I know your lying" he says " fine I overheard Robbie on the phone talking to Bella he tipped her about Marie' s fear of clowns" I say avoiding his stare "damn it" he says angrily. He walk past me "where are going?" I ask him. "To tell Nick" he says. "Hey Riley thanks for being honest" he's says. "Yeah okay, but Jason maybe you shouldn't tell Nick till later I mean he's already comforting her from this" I say. "Yeah okay your right" he says agreeing with me.

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