Chapter 3

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What the hell? I reached over and picked it up. After examining the outside carefully I found nothing on the outside of the letter and decided to finally open it.

Inside was something that scared me to the point that I had to take several deep breaths in order to make sense of what I just read. The letter simply said,

You are simply intoxicating, I can’t wait for tomorrow morning to come. Here is a simple request that I truly hope you’ll consider implementing in catering to a customer, after all your slogan is "where all your desires are provided", so I ask that tomorrow you come alone for the simple fact that I don’t want there to be any unnecessary tension between myself and your partner. I also would like to apologize for my inappropriate comment that was simply meant to be humorous and not offensive to you in any way.

Thank you for your warm reception and understanding.

Until tomorrow sincerely yours,


How the heck did he get this in my car all of the doors were locked, I made sure of it before opening up the store today.

This was a little too creepy I don’t know if I want to be alone with this man tomorrow, but I know that being there with Henry tomorrow will probably aggravate Ryale, ugh why are men so freaking difficult. Why is my life so… there at the bottom of the letter is another message saying,

p.s. If you would like to know how I got this in your car you can reach me at 555-9999.

I look up at that moment and see Henry locking up the store and I roll down the window and say, “Hey Henry would you mind coming in tomorrow around ten instead of eight  just in case the heater isn’t working and I have to call someone in to fix it tomorrow morning.”

He shouted back at me that it was fine and turned around and proceeded to get in his car and drive away.

I sighed then put the car in drive and drove home.


Once I got home I proceeded to open up my door, take my mail out of the mailbox, and close the door with the heel of my foot, before turning around and locking it up.

Going through the mail all I saw was some letters from some credit card companies offering to help me with my business, if I only would accept their outrageous interest rates on one of their cards.

I snorted, yeah I’ll get right on that. Throwing the mail on the side table along with my keys and purse I walked towards my room with only my coat on and Ryale’s letter. Kicking off my shoes and hanging up my coat in the closet. I set the letter down on the nightstand, I turned and went into the kitchen to heat up some potato soup my mom had made for me yesterday.

Once the microwave dinged, I took it out and grabbed a spoon and went to put some cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and chives in the soup then put it back in the microwave to heat up again, once I got done changing into my pajamas. After slipping into one of my silk night gowns, I went back to the kitchen and reheated the soup. After it was done reheating I took it into my room and sat on my bed and debated  whether or not I was going to call Ryale or not, taking a fortifying spoonful of soup, which was so mouthwatering that I moaned then said what the hell and called him.

While waiting for him to answer I ate another spoonful of soup and moaned at the exact same time that he decided to pick up the phone,


“Shit, umm yeah this is A’leila.”

He chuckled and said, “How are you tonight?”


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