Chapter Two

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I am so so sorry that this is so late, and rather short, but I was stuck on this chapter for ages... I apologise if it comes out a little weird, as it's 12:56am ^_^;

"Alright, so," Nikolai started. "Bonbon and I were talking in History, and we thought - what about, like, a zombie movie or something-"

"But then I said that it was too overdone. We need to do something special," Bonibell interrupted, her tone just as excited as his.

"Something that will blow Miss away."

"But not literally though - we love her."

"Yes, we do."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Asiyah cut in, gesturing for them to be quiet. "What are you guys even getting at? You're talking at five miles per hour or something. I lost you at 'something special'."

"Yeah - how the fuck can we do 'something special', anyway? We're students, not a pro film crew," Richard added.

"We discussed this before, man..."

The students were sitting in various positions around Miki's bedroom. They'd gone to her house after school had finished, to discuss any ideas. However, as four o'clock had rolled by, they still had yet to come up with much - or anything at all, really. They had no plot, no location, not even any characters. If someone brought up something, another would turn it down.

All of this was agitating Nikolai - it was a lot like performances for Drama, and he didn't need that for another subject. He leaned back against the wall, thinking, when his mind drifted to earlier that day, when he and Miki had passed the run-down, old house on the way to school.

"Hey..." he said slowly, sitting up straight and facing the others. "You guys know that old house near my place, right? We could film there... I mean, no one owns it, and it should be easy to get into..."

"Jeez, that'd be a terrifying experience," Asiyah laughed. "Oh... hang on..." she added, getting more and more ideas. "Yeah, that'd be perfect! We could do so much there! It really gives off the whole 'haunted house' vibe!"

"It probably is haunted..." Miki groaned. "Do we have to do it there?" she asked, really hoping that her two closest friends hadn't forgotten her fear of the place.

"I hate to agree with them - like, really fucking hate it, but do you know anywhere better?" Richard asked, crossing his arms. "I don't know about you guys, but I just want to get this over and done with."

"Well... what about... the school?" Miki suggested. After getting confused looks from everyone in the room, she added, with a slight smile, "I mean, that's probably Niki's worst nightmare..."

Asiyah and Bonibell burst into loud laughter, drowning out Nikolai indignantly shouting "Don't call me that!"

After the laughter had died down, Miki continued to suggest (very mundane) places for them to film, before Asiyah thought of something that might change her mind.


"...Yes...?" she replied, suspicious of her friend's tone.

"If we get you chocolate, will you do this?"

"Yeah!" Nikolai shouted, figurative gears in his mind turning. "How 'bout a deal? When the project is all done, and we don't ever have to go into the house again, I will personally take you to the Guylian café in the city. And I'll get you all of the chocolate and waffles and anything else you want, to make up for it."

Miki froze, thinking. She had an incredible sweet tooth, which she found to be a terrible inconvenience at times - this being one of them. Belgian chocolate, or staying safe and away from a potentially dangerous place? "Fine," she said after about a minute. "Anything I want?"

"Absolutely anything," Nikolai replied, smiling.

He stood up, stretching, and Asiyah had been about to say "Well, that's settled, then," when she saw it and froze instead. One of the photo frames on Miki's desk had began hovering a centimetre or two above the wooden surface. Then, all of a sudden, it flew forward in an arc with astonishing speed, as if someone had picked it up and thrown it. There were screams, and a loud thud as it hit Nikolai square in the chest, winding him.

Miki was the first to react, rushing to pick up the frame from the floor beside her friend, who had fallen over from the impact. She inspected it with urgency, hoping that it wasn't damaged. Richard was next; running to the door and grasping the handle. That way he'd be ready to leave, should anything else unusual happen.

"What the fuck just happened?!" he shouted, glaring at the others. "The scary stuff is supposed to be in the movie, not directed at me!"

"You think we did that?!" Asiyah yelled back. The two began arguing so furiously that Nikolai was able to slip past them, and sit next to Miki, who was hunched over on the middle of her bed.

"Is the photo alright?" he asked, unable to see any damage, but those were the most comforting words he could think of. She hugged the frame close to her chest, and nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine."

"What about you?!" Bonibell chimed in, joining them. "Jesus Christ, it toppled you over - isn't that more worrying?!" Miki bit her lip, not sure how to answer; she released a breath she didn't know she'd been holding when Nikolai answered for her a few seconds later.

"It's a photo of her mum, who's... ah... let's just say, not around anymore."

"Oh..." Bonibell replied, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea, Miki..."

Asiyah had overheard their conversation, and ran over to join them, ignoring Richard. "Oh shit," she exclaimed. "That was the one?" Miki begrudgingly handed her the frame when she held her hand out for it, and checked it over.

Richard watched the scene, eyebrows furrowed. "Something just fucking flew across the room," he said slowly. " And you guys are more concerned about a photo frame?!"

"Well, I mean, nothing else has happened..." Nikolai shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess it could have been a fluke or something," Bonibell added.

Richard exhaled, exasperated. "You guys are fucking insane. That shit doesn't just happen." When no one paid any further attention to his words, he turned on his heel, mumbled "I'm getting out of here," and stormed out of the house.

I actually managed to extend this a bit from what I had it in my original document :D Please let me know what you think, or if you noticed any mistakes or anything!

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