Chapter Six

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Hey, everyone! I hope you had a good holiday, and that summer/winter is treating you well! ^-^ This chapter is where the story really starts to kick in, so... I hope you enjoy it!


Sunday morning came all too soon; gloomy and rainy. A typical winter day in Sydney. Wind lashed the rain-drenched trees outside, scattering stray raindrops onto foggy windows and scraping branches across walls.

"Perhaps it was actually the wind that blew the door open," Bonibell mused over breakfast, the previous day's events still fresh in her mind.

Ilya refused to let them walk in this weather. Despite the fact that he wanted to sleep, still tired from work, he drove the children over to their filming location. It had been quite a few years since he'd been glad that the family owned a seven seater car; there was no way everyone would fit in a regular one. Nikolai sat up the front with his father, the camera and his costumes in bags on his lap. The girls took the back row and found themselves covered in bags of clothes and makeup. Richard took the right seat in the middle row, behind Ilya. His costumes, along with all the extra bits and pieces, sat in the seat beside his.

The short drive was a quiet one, the only sounds being the weather outside and an occasional comment on how cold it was outside.

"What time will you guys be finished today?" Ilya asked when they came to their destination. The old house made him feel incredibly uncomfortable, but he trusted the kids wouldn't get in any sort of danger.

"Uh, probably around six," Nikolai answered. "We need to re-film a lot of scenes, and Asiyah needs to take her time on our makeup," he finished, ignoring another comment from Richard about how he refused to wear makeup.

"Alright. If the weather's still like this, I'll get Elena to pick you up, since I'll be busy – please don't walk home in this."

"Of course."

"And please answer your phone," Ilya added, sounding exasperated.

"I always do."

The rain had gotten heavier in the not-quite-five minutes they'd spent in the car, so everyone rushed to grab everything and take it inside, relaxing once they made it to the house's veranda. Everyone was expecting something akin to yesterday happening, but they were able to get inside without issue – save for Miki's bag seeming to get caught on the wooden doorframe.

"I still can't believe this place is unlocked," Asiyah muttered, closing the door behind them.

"I can't believe they haven't torn it down yet," said Richard, looking around with disdain.

"It's probably like a heritage site or something," Bonibell said back. "It is pretty cool – no matter how creepy it is."

They got to work straight away, repeating yesterday's procedure; taking turns getting dressed while Nikolai and Asiyah prepared the set.

"No ghost perverts this time, thank god," Nikolai muttered to himself as he left the bathroom after getting dressed. No messages were written, and it felt a lot less... empty in there than it had been the previous day.

"What the fuck?" Richard, who had been standing nearby and heard him, spat.

"Long story."

With their discovery of the broken files in mind, after a take was filmed, whoever was doing the filming would play it back, to make sure it came out alright. They were confused when every single take was fine. Asiyah suggested that maybe they'd somehow damaged the files when transferring them to the computer. Miki believed it had something to do with the house. Nikolai thought it was because the camera was rather old – Richard, on the other hand, wanted to smash the stupid camera.

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