-We Get drunk Really Drunk Very drunk-

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"So what now?" Hermione asked with a sigh.
"We get drunk" Blaise said with a smile.
"Really drunk" Theo corrected.
"Very drunk" Draco said with his signature smirk.
"Drinking games to begin with?" Anastasia asked as she stood up pulling out the alcohol bottles from the bag.
"Hold on" Hermione said as she moved Draco's legs from her lap and stood up and inspected the glass bottles.
"Vodka, whisky, shots, WKD's, gin? These are muggle drinks?" She said looking at the four sheepish Slytherins.
"Have you been to the muggle wold?" Hermione asked raising her brow.
"I heard there was the best alcohol there so we checked it out" Draco shrugged trying to act cool.
"I'm impressed" hermione said as she sat on the floor with hints of approval in her voice.
"Sit in a circle then?" She said judging the confused faces. Anastasia sat to her right and Draco to her left, next to Draco was Theo then completing the Circle was Blaise who sat in between Theo and Anastasia.
"Never have I never?" Anastasia suggested earning a look from Hermione.
"We, er what's the word?" Blaise began,
"Goggled it" Theo said triumphantly.
"Goggled?" Hermione said with a burst of laughter.
"Oh gosh" she said wiping away a tear from her eye.
"It's Google" she corrected causing Theo to go red with embarrassment.
"Still I'm very impressed!" She said in an encouraging voice making Blaise gleam with pride.
"Who wants to go first?" Anastasia asked looking around the circle.
"I will-" Draco said shooting a sideways glance at Hermione.
"Never have I ever got drunk" the idea was that if you had done what the person had said you had to take a shot the first to finish their ten shots lost, the person with the most full glasses left won.
"What we drinking?" Anastasia said giving everyone a plastic shot glass.
"Straight vodka" Hermione stated looking at all the Slytherins.
"That's heavy Mione" Theo said with shock I'm his voice. Hermione took the vodka bottle, poured herself a shot and downed it in one.
"What never played with a Gryffindor before?" She said with a playful smirk. Draco poured himself a shot and before downing it held it up as a if to show that he accepted her challenge, winked at Hermione before downing it in one. Everyone followed.
"So we've all been drunk?" Theo asked.
"That's the idea Theo" Blaise said with an eye role.
"Okay me next" Blaise said and shot a smirk at Draco.
"Never have I ever decided I'm going to marry someone" everyone looked at Blaise questioningly.
"Well is anyone going to drink?" He said looking around the circle dramatically. Draco shook his head and took another straight vodka.
"Really who's the unlucky girl you've already claimed?" Anastasia asked with a laugh, Draco smirked.
"Sorry but I can't share that, not yet." Draco said with a smirk and shooting a dirty look at Blaise.
"Fair enough" Theo said.
"Okay I'll go now-" Anastasia said,
"Never have I ever had sex with someone watching" Anastasia laughed seeing the faces. Draco and Hermione both took a shot.
"What?" Draco said directly at Hermione.
"It wasn't kinky or anything like that Draco, it's a story for another time" Hermione shrugged,
"You?" She asked turning to face him properly.
"Threesome" he shrugged causing a pat on the back by Theo and a disgusted look from Anastasia.
"Okay can I go?" Hermione asked and everyone nodded.
"Never have I ever fantasised about someone in this room" she said as she looked around the room,
"Like sexually?" Theo asked and Hermione nodded.
"That's not fair, we're family!" Blaise said with a pout.
"Drink Blaise" Hermione laughed and Blaise got very defensive.
"I have not!" He said as his voice got higher.
"Blaise I'm the brightest witch of the age, I have perfected this spell where I can look at them and they tell me the truth and have no control over it, it's called truths" Hermione said with a bored tone.
"Can you actually?" Theo asked with a hint of disbelief.
"Yep" she said with a nod of her head.
"Pftt, prove it" Theo said with a shake of his head. Hermione looked at Theo and suddenly Theo became unaware of his whole body.
"Last time you masturbated?" Hermione asked and Theo fought with himself, Hermione could tell he was trying to resist.
"The harder you resist the less oxygen you receive so I suggest you answer." Hermione said with a yawn as she still had him under her spell.
"Okay-" Theo panted "- last night whilst my mum was in the next room" he finished whilst panting.
"Can you please stop now?" He asked and Hermione turned it off.
"Dude, you scruff" Blaise said disgusted but with a laugh.
"Dude that's wrong on so many levels" Draco said shaking his head.
"I feel sick" Anastasia said without even looking at him.
"Okay she can do it" a, now very red Theo confirmed with a strained voice.
"Blaise" Hermione pushed, sending Blaise a smirk.
"Dude it's horrible I suggest you drink" Theo said still panting. Blaise took a shot whilst muttering inaudible worlds under his breath.
"Wait a minuet we've not don't our blood bond" Anastasia said suddenly changing the subject.
"Wait isn't that like wolf stuff?" Hermione scoffed in disbelief, Anastasia shook her head.
"It's silly really we did it when we were seven we all cut our right hands, I cut my left, and then bled into a bowl and then all put our hands in it, so that we were all bound together." Anastasia said grabbing her wand with a duh tone apparent in her voice as if Hermione was suppose to know this inside knowledge.
"Why right hands and your left?" Again Hermione asked she couldn't kill her curiosity, fact was she was fascinated.
"Everyone's right handed, but I'm left handed" Anastasia said and Hermione nodded to show she understood.
"Hands out" Anastasia demanded, all three boys moved closer together and put their hands out. Anastasia muttered a spell and a bowl appeared under the three hands. Anastasia put her left hand out and placed her wand in her right hand.
"Hermione, what hand do you write with?" Anastasia asked, Hermione discreetly pulled her left hand back.
"Miones left hand in" Draco said gesturing to the hands with his head. Blaise shot him a look and Draco returned it with I'm completely obsessed with her since like sixth year, of course I bloody know what hand she writes with! Look only for Blaise to mouth 'stalker' and smirk for Draco to huff.
"-Really I'm okay" she said awkwardly cutting off the boys silent communication.
"Yeah I mean maybe she's right she is a muddle blood" Theo said under his breath.
"You're not over it are you?" Blaise said with a death glare and a hint of annoyance, actually if you classed a growl as a hint then yeah, a hint.
"That girl you had a fling with in summer Theo-," Draco began with an eye role "-was a muddle blood, still think Mione's vile?" Draco asked giving him a dirty look, Theo's face softened completely with realisation.
"No, bullshit you're just saying that because you want to shag her" Theo said bitterly looking at Hermione in disgust.
"Too far" Draco said standing up and towering over Theo who was still sat down.
"Deny it" Theo said standing up and squared up to Draco, Draco was an inch taller then Theo but non the less Theo still squared up against him.
"Tell me you wouldn't fuck that filth if you had the chance" Theo said, Draco's eyes turned steal and he pushed Theo who stumbled backwards.
"Filth? Filth?" Draco repeated with a wicked laugh as he punched Theo in the face causing his lip to burst.
"She's wrong, dirty, in a way inhumane, tell me what's attractive about that?" Theo spat as if the words were poison on his tongue, his hand went to his lip to feel the extent of his injuries. It was clear Theo was throwing any insult Hermione's way to get to Draco, Hermione's eyes welled up.
"She's funny, hot, clever, soft, innocent but at the same time the complete opposite, she's felt pain on levels we only pray not to come across, she's strong, independent, confident, quiet, modest, and quite frankly, the only girl I've come across that's not stuck up her own arse. Tell me what's not attractive about that" Draco shouted completely outraged. Hermione heard enough and stood in front of Draco just as Theo swung his arm hitting Hermione. Pain shot through Hermione's face and her hand shot to her eye.
"Hermione" Draco breathed her name, suddenly his eyes going from steal to space grey and his anger, and the colour from his face, drained away as Hermione had become hurt. It was clear Hermione prioritised.
"Mione you're bleeding!" Blaise whispered still in his trance only when Hermione began to stutter did Blaise's brain register how to move and took her hand and moved her away from the two boys. Anastasia took Hermione's other arm.
"Mister obvious over here" Anastasia muttered in annoyance. That's when Draco started to hit Theo non stop. Blaise left Hermione's side to stop the fight.
"Draco! Theo! Pack it in? What are we? Fucking twelve? This shit doesn't happen!" He shouted as he held Draco back.
"Let's go sort out your eye" Anastasia said softly walking Hermione to the bathroom taking her away from the scene.

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