-The sun starts and ends with you-

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Draco and Hermione stayed up all night talking, bonding, making out and getting drunk.
"I'm gonna keep this jumper" Hermione decided out loud when she was fully drunk.
"All my hoodies are yours" Draco said from the end of the sofa.
"Hey" Hermione said standing up drunkly.
"Tell me about your parents because I can bet my life they'll hate me" Hermione said with a sigh.
"Dads dead so we don't have a problem" Draco howled but Hermione suddenly became very serious.
"I'm so sorry I didn't know" Hermione said softly Draco leaned over to pull Hermione's arm causing her to fall on top of him.
"Eh don't be I never really liked him" Draco slurred. That's when Hermione relished it was half six and they had two hours to sober up.
"Okay Drake let's make us some coffee" Hermione said bending over in front of him looking for her wand. Draco wolf whistled,
"Loving the view granger eleven out of ten easy" he said flirtatiously holding up nine fingers.
Hermione picked up her want and with a swish two mugs appeared full of coffee, clearly ignoring Draco's mix up between nine, ten and eleven. As Draco went to take one Hermione stooped him.
"Wait" she held his hand to stop him reaching for it, again waving her wand the steam vanished from the cup.
"I don't like cold coffee!" Draco wined but one thing Hermione had learnt was that cold coffee sobered you up quicker.
"Well you'll have to get over it, drink" Hermione said to Draco and he obliged.
Four cups later for Draco he began to be aware of himself,
"My head hurts" he moaned at seven o'clock.
"Not surprised" Hermione laughed pulling him over to her so that his head was resting on her chest, he could hear her steady heart beat.
"you drank way more then me" she laughed causing her chest to vibrate and Draco to close his eyes tightly.
"Too loud!" He pouted.
"Here" she said holding out her empty hand.
"Am I still drunk because I don't see anything?" He asked moodily, Hermione rolled her eyes and closed her fingers and opened it again and there was two white pills. Draco looks up at her confused.
"What are they?" Draco asked both offended and disgusted.
"Pain killers, muggles use them, trust me they're amazing, equal to magic" Hermione said holding them in her hand.
"No thanks I don't trust muggles" he said stubbornly Hermione sighed.
"So you'll drink their alcohol but won't take pain killers? Geese pure blood much?" Hermione asked raising her brow causing Draco to turn round and look at her.
"Highly offended" Draco said placing a hand on his chest.
"So am I! Don't you trust me?" Hermione pouted, Draco sighed in defeat and took them from her hand.
"What do I do with them?" Draco asked inspecting the small white stone like objects in his hand.
"Place them on your tongue and swallow them, don't bite it, it'll be disgusting. Here take it with water" Hermione said making water and a glass from think air. Draco followed the instructions.
"I don't feel any better" he wined.
"Give it an hour" with a broad smile as she had just made Draco Malfoy do as he was told.
"You're hot but god you're annoying" he muttered.
"Hey I heard that" she said standing up.
"I said it loud" he smirked.
"Shut it you" Hermione smiled causing Draco to look at her full of lust.
"You mess with my head Granger" he wined as she went into her room.
Thirty Five minuets later she returned now with leggings on still wearing Draco's jumper, with make up on and her hair in a messy bun. She sat close to the fire while Draco still lay on the sofa claiming he was dying.
"Are you going to wear that jumper to breakfast?" He asked at eight.
"Oh er no best not actually" she said looking down at placing both hands in the front pocket.
"I came to Hogwarts and forgot jackets and I only brought one coat" Hermione laughed.
"Can I heal your eye?" Draco asked releasing it was black from last night.
"Oh yeah I forgot about that" Hermione said holding her wand to her eye.
"No let me do it" Draco said moving her wand away from her face and placing his in its place. Hermione flinched.
"Don't you trust me?" Draco said mimicking Hermione from before she sighed.
"Ha ha yes I trust you" she said as she relaxed closing her eyes.
"It might sting slightly" Draco said as he muttered the healing spell. Hermione felt a sharp pain but as soon as it was there it was gone.
"Thank you"
Draco got up and went into his room.
"You're welcome" he shouted smirking while waking off.
Hermione found herself wandering the book shelf and picking one up to read to kill some time. After twenty minuets Draco returned with a pair of blue jeans on and a white short sleeve t shirt on hugging his abs and a black jacket open hanging off one of left  shoulder, his wand was in the right pocket very much on view. Hermione dragged her eyes away from her book to see Draco watching her with a navy blue jacket in his hand her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of him.
"Here" Draco said throwing the blue jacket at her, it hit her in the face.
"Thanks"she said taking Draco's hoodie off revealing a white crop top the showed her stomach slightly and placed the jacket on leaving it open, putting her wand in her right pocket on view just like Draco's. Hermione brought the sleeves to her face.
"What you doing?" Draco asked stiffening a laugh.
"It smells like you" she said putting her hands back down. She pulled on a pair of low white converse and stood up.
"ready to go?" Hermione asked Draco walked over to her and kissed her head.
"Now I am" he smirked and took her hand and dragged her to the portrait of Sir Alex. Once they were outside Draco let go of her hand but walked close to her never the less. Draco fell slightly behind Hermione and watched her walk not taking his eyes off her arse, he wasn't joking when he said it was an eleven out of ten.
"Why you walking behind me?" Hermione stopped and asked turning round.
"Checking you out of course" he smirked and Hermione rolled her eyes.
"How's your head?" She asked Draco nodded.
"Stopped throbbing now" he said reluctantly as they both knew Hermione was right, Hermione smirked.
"Don't" Draco laughed.
"Don't what?" Hermione asked innocently.
"Say it I already know" he muttered bitterly.
"I didn't say anything!-" Hermione began acting offendedly "- but I'm glad you know" she said lowly followed by another smirk causing Draco to frown.
"Don't frown you'll get frown lines" Hermione laughed, hearing her laugh Draco gave up and laughed too.
As the two reached the third floor there were students roaming around. Everyone the two walked past said hi to Hermione or gave her a smile.
"That's already annoying" Draco said seeing everyone watch Hermione, as they walked past many boys turned round to get a view of Hermione from behind much to Draco's annoyance.
"And you want me to be your girlfriend?" Hermione quizzed as she walked into the great hall.
"If you were my girlfriend no one would dare look at you like half these boys are now" he muttered in her ear.
"Sit with me?" Draco asked as the both stopped as they walked into the hall, Hermione nodded. As they both sat at the Slytherin table the whole hall went quiet as the watched the two with fascination. Hermione took a glass and filled it with water, her eyes wandered over to the Gryffindor table and Harry, Ginny and Ron were not to be seen.
"For god sake get a grip, your foods going cold" Hermione shouted so that everyone could hear, with that everyone began conversations again but everyone kept a half eye on the two on the Slytherin table.
After five minuets Anastasia, Blaise and Theo all walked into the hall looking very hung over.
"Hey guys" Draco said with a smirk.
"How are we this morning?" Hermione said from behind her glass hiding her smile and stiffening a laugh.
"Shushhh" Theo said trying to place a finger on Hermione's lip but missed several times.
"Anastasia?" Hermione asked, Anastasia was falling asleep while pouring herself a drink.
"Guys" Draco said catching everyone's attenuation causing Anastasia to spill the juice everywhere.
"Crap" Anastasia said as she tried to clean it up. Hermione waved her hand and the mess disappeared instantly.
"Thanks" Anastasia said through a yawn.
"All of you go back to bed, at ten o'clock I'll come and wake you all up and bring you some food okay?" Hermione asked and the three nodded not fit to argue. All three took themselves back off to their common rooms.
"Aw bless them" Hermione said looking at Draco who was eating some toast.
"Hello?" Hermione said waving a hand in front of Draco's face who grabbed her hand and inspected it.
"We need to sort this out" Draco said pointing out the H printed on it.
"We'll see McGonagall tonight" Hermione shrugged and Draco relaxed.
"Okay" just then the morning mail came swooping in, both Draco's owl and Hermione's owl dropped their mail in their hands, Draco's owl settled on Hermione's shoulder and Hermione's small fluff ball began to eat Draco's food. Draco's owl was huge but beautiful, it was brown with black speckles running through it and radiated wealth. Hermione sat and inspected the bird left amazed not even acknowledging her mail while Draco read the daily prophet.
"Draco it's beautiful" Hermione sighed stroking the bird.
"Oh yeah that's striker, quite something isn't he?" Draco said looking at the bird on her shoulder.
"He's amazing!" She said giving it some bread. Hermione's white fluff ball started flying around Hermione's head.
"Who's this?" Draco said catching the tiny bird in both hands and began to stroke it.
"That's wiz he's not properly trained, he's a fast flying one you know where they don't grow any bigger then they are now and are super fast" Hermione asked, Draco was listening but was petting the small owl.
"Yeah he's the cutest, full of energy"  Draco's laughed before calming it down.
"You're in the prophet" Draco said quietly not looking at her.
"I'm what?" Hermione asked suddenly stopping petting striker and picked up her mail which consisted of the daily prophet and letters off magazines asking if she would do interviews.
Hermione picked up the prophet to see a moving picture of Hermione from yesterday getting on the train the head line read;
Brightest witch of her age without Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Has she broken free? Draco watched as Hermione read.
"The brightest with of her age and sex God was spotted on Kings Cross Station doing wandless silent magic, according to an insider Hermione spent the train journey with Anastasia Greengrass, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Nott. Blaise Nott and Draco Malfoy huh? Ex deatheater's love triangle with a third of the golden trio with Ronald Weasley, who will Miss Granger choose? We all love Weasley but I'm loving the idea of a bad boy with Hermione" Hermione read out loud for Draco to head he began to laugh.
"It's not funny!" Hermione said leaning over the table and hitting him.
"Well they're not wrong?" Draco said defensively rubbing his arm.
"Why me?" Hermione asked frustratedly skimming the rest of the article.
"Because you have no faults, newspapers love that kinda stuff."Draco picked up the rest of Hermione's mail reading the envelopes.
"Hermione have you seen how many people want to talk to you?" He asked whilst she was still reading.
"Hermione Granger, hottest witch in the wizarding world" Hermione read out with disgust,
"I'm going to be sick" she said slamming down the paper.
"Only you'd be upset about that title" he muttered while passing her the rest of her post.
"I know all theses people want to talk to me but I don't want to talk to them, not yet" she said shaking her head and clicking her fingers so that they disappear.
"Where'd you put them?" He asked with his mouth full.
"Common room, don't want anyone seeing them and getting the wrong idea, hey here's one of yours" Hermione said looking at the table, she passed it over to him.
"I forgot about these" he muttered as he inspected the bright red envelope.
"What is it?" Hermione asked whilst he opened it.
"Oh in third year I invested in spy flies-" Draco began but was cut off by Hermione,
"I read about them! They spy on you and take magical pictures of moments they think are worth saving, they never die and send you daily pictures, Draco they cost a fortune!" Hermione exclaimed watching Draco's face.
"I know they're amazing, I love pictures, they remind me I lived, and Hermione I'm the heir to the Malfoy fortune, I come from the richest family in the wizarding world money's not a problem." He sighed flicking through the pictures from yesterday.
"You're in quite a few of these" Draco pointed out as he finished flicking though them.
"May I see?" Hermione asked sweetly.
"Sure" he handed them over.
As Hermione looked at the pictures she carefully studded each one, the first one was of Anastasia, Draco, Hermione and Blaise on the Hogwarts express all laughing at something. The second was of Hermione and Draco from the back as the sun was setting in Hermione's room Draco held her close.
"The sun starts and ends with you" Hermione whispered barely audible,
"It's a good picture" Hermione said with a cough to hide what she just said.
"How poetic" Draco said softly looking deep into her eyes.
"It's not" she said shyly moving on to the next picture which was all five of them walking down the corridor which Hermione wasn't technically walking she was on Draco's bare back. All five were laughing and Hermione was holding onto Draco for dear life.
"Aren't we just the cutest" Hermione teased with a grin holding up the picture.
"Well I try" Draco said with a fake flattered expression causing Hermione to laugh loudly. Hermione then moved onto the next picture which was of Draco and Hermione shaking hands at the feast last night, then the next was of Draco and Blaise eating, Draco was pointing with his fork at someone or something and Blaise had turned round to see what he was looking at, Blaise was in a state of shock and Draco was smirking.
"What's all this about?" Hermione asked inspecting the picture closely.
"Nothing" he said leaning over the table trying to take it from her hand, Hermione moved it backwards so that he couldn't reach.
"Pass me the picture" Draco said standing up, Hermione mimicked him giddily,
"Tell me what was the story" she said putting a hand on her hip. The whole hall went quiet as they watched the two playfully argue. Draco shot a glance to the table and set off running so that Hermione would run in the other direction however Draco walked over the table causing Hermione to shriek with excitement he picked her up from behind and spun her around Hermione giggled just like a child with pure joy she kicked her legs out and her laughter filled the whole hall causing her smile to be contagious as nearly all the students had caught it.
"Put me down" she giggled.
"Give me the picture" he laughed shaking her lightly.
"No" she smirked running away from him. Hermione managed to get away from his grasp and stood opposite him about two foot away.
"Please don't" Draco said shaking his head. Hermione held the picture in her hand and smirked mischievously Hermione blew on the picture and it vanished, the whole hall broke into gasps.
"She just did wandless, silent magic"
"Where'd it go?"
"She's amazing"
"How did she do that?"
These were some of the comments made as the whole hall broke out into chatter about what they'd just witnessed.
"Where is it?" Draco wined over the hall, the whole hall went into a hush again as they were all intrigued as to where Hermione had put the paper, she looked Draco straight in the eye and winked. Both of their jackets were hanging off them. Draco walked over to her and whispered in her ear.
"You're looking very attractive Granger with your messy hair and and the jacket all loose, God Mione, you're killing me" Hermione walked over back to her seat still with the navy jacking half worn trying not to rise to Draco's game tactic . She took some toast, juice and two pieces of fruit and had it levitate and follow her as she walked.
"Hey" Draco shouted running up to her, still being watched as he relied his comment didn't work on her like it would on others.
Of course it didn't work Draco, since when has Hermione been like other girls? He told himself and mentally slapped himself.
"See you later?" He whispered lowing his eyes so that all he could see was hers, Hermione took a loud bite of her apple and winked before turning and walking way smiling as the food followed her. Many boys wolf whistled as she left the hall and Draco Malfoy speechless.
"My god" Draco breathed taking her in before turning round, grabbing an apple and walking off back to his common room with one girl on his mind.

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