Attempt One:

17 2 0

By: Mya Lambert

I'm not myself lately, but why do I feel better than I ever was being me? Who was "me"? Don't answer that question. I couldn't understand this dizzy feeling in my head, or why I had bruises all over my legs and torso. Lately, there's been no one to talk to but an empty bottle of what used to be coca cola. I've got to get up, but my legs don't recognize my voice telling them to awaken. I shake my body until' every limb seems to be restored. I stand slowly, but not too quickly because I don't want a head rush, why was my door open? Why doesn't it have a handle? It didn't matter now. I peek around the corner and notice a guard wearing a black suit. He whispers something to a girl with a straight jacket on. He pulls her towards a white room like mine, and pushes her inside. She lets out a wail of pain as she's slammed against the wall inside the cell. He follows in after her, and I see it as my chance to run.

"Hey! Where do you think your going number 17? Get back in your room." A kind, dark lady wearing a yellow nurses suit and holding pills shouted playfully.

"I need," I struggled with words. One word came to mind, "toilet!" I replied louder than expected.

"Okay." She believed me, good. "But, let me go with you." She added in. "I don't want you trying no funny business." She joked. "Imagine! Me saying something like that in an insane asylum." She finished.

"You.. wanna come... with?" I asked, forgetting all memory of how to speak.

"Of course." She approached quickly. "I can't risk you trying to escape." She advanced. "Not that you've ever given me any trouble in the past." She giggled. "If you ask me, you're the sanest one in here, you only seem to struggle with.. males." She smiled, and grabbed my arm and led me down the hall back the way I had just escaped. I struggled a bit and said,

"We...are..going" I sputtered out in a worried voice.

"No sweetie, you had to go to the bathroom, am I correct?" I nodded in agreement. We seemed to have reached our destination by the time we turned a corner just past my, "cell", she called it. I felt as if I'd done something wrong to have been put in something they put prisoners in. I walked in the bathroom and she followed me in. There were people standing against the walls, they were mostly male, and wearing the same nurse, or white coat suits. I assumed they were waiting for other "patients" that were in the stalls or standing at the urinals, wailing and crying, or sounded as if they were struggling. It reeked of waste, and medicine. I looked around for an empty stall, and found one between two others.

"I..will wait...for" I sighed, embarrassed. She smiled,

"You can use my bathroom, follow me." She whispered in understanding.

"Yes.." I nodded. I followed her back down the hall where I escaped my cell, then we went to the room she came out of earlier. I entered hesitantly. "You are..very kind..thank you miss.." I squinted at her name tag, "miss smith..?" I smiled a fake smile and she showed me to her personal bathroom. She gestured me in, and then closed the door behind her saying,

"Go quickly, you have to be in your 'room' soon or they'll notice that you're not there. And lord-almighty if they know I let you use my bathroom, they'll have my neck! And possibly yours." She walked towards her desk and sat down waiting for me patiently. I smiled to myself thinking of how gullible this lady was, then frowned at how unkind of me it was for using her. I closed the lid, sat on the toilet and looked around for a way out. I saw the window had been left open. But I was deciding if whether or not I would fit.

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