Fighting and More Problems...

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As Jason was pushed into the cop car, all he saw out the window was his mother crying.
It wasn't Jason's fault he was this way...well sorta it was and sorta it wasn't..
Jason had A.D.D which meant his attention span only lasted for like 5 minutes. And then his mind starts to wander...and go of and then he goes and does stuff because he's trying to stay focused. But what he focuses on is the word thing which always gets him in trouble. But it was his fault because what he chose to do was wrong. He vandalizes stuff, steals, but he's a bad boy that every girl in the school had fallen in love with. He had a girlfriend before. But they broke up when he moved outta California to Colorado because Jason got thrown out of the state for breaking into Hannah Harts house.

The cops pull up to the police station and bring Jason in. He gets out in a holding cell for about 4 hours until an officer opens the cell door...Jason thought it was an officer entering until the people that entered where his mother and a man. "Hello Jason this is Mr. Lawson he's going to help get you out of here." His mom said. "Hello sir, Jason is it? I'm Mr. Lawson. I'm here to get you of of jail because this isn't your fault it's your A.D.D's fault!" Mr Lawson continued on but Jason didn't listen Jason's mind started wandering and next thing you know Jason's standing up "Jason sit down and listen!" His mother yelled. He tried but his body wouldn't let him. About 5 minutes later a officer came back in "times up, see you in court tomorrow and then off to prison for the delinquent over there!" Everyone left the room. The officer forgot to lock the door when he left. Jason bolted out of the room a into the holding facility. He was running like a maniac...he ran so fast that he snuck out the door and no one realized he left. Jason headed home. He opened the front door and there was his mother on the couch "WHAT THE FUC..." She started "SHH..I snuck out!" Pack your bags where leaving tonight off to Jackson! If we leave at Midnight we will make it there by sunrise tomorrow!" Jason finished his sentence and ran to his room to get his stuff 20 minutes later he had one small back pack and his mom had 2 suitcases. "mom wtf!! If it can fit in this you can bring it!" He handed her a backpack he filled it and they took off.

The next day...

They finally made it to Jackson Michigan. It took all night by they where there they booked a hotel room and started to stay there. Jason was going to try to be normal.
Jason went to the mall to buy some stuff for there new "home". At the mall he bumped into a chick and she dropped everything.

Jason's pov

This girl...OMG...she was perfect. I've never seen anyone more beautiful."ugh I'll help you pick this up!" The girl was the cutest laugh I had ever heard! I picked up the girls stuff "you...want me to buy you a cup of coffee?" The girl nodded like she was speechless it was even more adorable

Third person

After Jason had bought the girl coffee they had a conversation "so what's your name?" Jason smiled "Ginger" he giggles.."Thats so perfect" Jason couldn't help but smile "well my names Jason...and I hate to cut it short but...I gotta get going.. here's my number" then he walked off. Ginger just smiled at him as he walked away.

Later Jason walked back into the hotel room to find his mom sleeping. So he decided it was best for him to settle in in the morning and sleep now.

The next day....Jason woke up at 5 A.M sharp like he does every morning. He had put his clothes in the dresser and hooked up his Xbox. He was all settled so he turned on the news in the living room of the hotel.

"Good morning Jackson Michigan!! Today cops are looking for a young man Named Jason Parks. He escaped from his holding cell earlier yesterday evening. Now he is lose on the streets anyone with information Please call police a reward will be given to anyone with information"

"Heheh great now I'm wanted" he smiled and shut off the tv and went downstairs to get the breakfast bar in the lobby. After he ate he headed back into his room,by that point his mom was up making coffee that was provided by the hotel "did you see the twitter feed of all our friends? They know you ran away! Jason this isn't going to help your case when you get caught..." Jason knew his mother was right but he couldn't just turn himself in. He Had to keep running." Mom I KNOW..BUT YOU THINK I CAN JUST TURN MYSELF IN?!?! IF YOUR NOT GONNA HELP THEN JUST LEAVE!"

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