Chapter 5

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I'm really sorry if you guys aren't liking this story because honestly I'm just making everything up along the way, everything exciting doesn't happen until later were still on the first day of André and Regan meeting :)

André's POV:
We pulled up at the beach and Regan looked absolutely stunning, I'm not usually this nice to girls that just happen to show up on my backdoor step, because well girls never show up at my back door step! especially since well I have a confession! I'm not the person that everyone think I am,
let's put it that way, Regan probably thinks I'm a pussy ass nigga who is most likely a mummas boy, don't get me wrong I love my mum with all my heart and a fool would be wrong if they didn't love the lady who had given birth to them, but I wasn't the child she thought she knew, I was completely different.

Why do you think I hold guns around my house? Hmm? A nigga like me lives up to their stereotypical label, but like I say to myself all the time, the drug dealing life isn't made for white people, it's made for the ones who were put in that position of disadvantage millions Of generations ago.

Being black, it wasn't going to change a single thing, we don't go to college, own fancy houses, heck I'd be lucky if I actually had a job to provide myself with instead of drug money. Mum cut me off when she found out I wasn't living the way she thought she raised me to live, but like I said niggas like us ain't about that life.

I went around the car door to help Regan out, hell! Where did she come from honestly? Did god send her down to help me change my ways? Was she the sign that my life was going to get better? Who knows? I sure hope so!

"Thankyou" she said with a sweet voice, mm it sent shivers up my spine.

The boys got out and Cassandra pulled up with the rest of them, "fun drive?" I yelled.

Cassandra hates driving through Brooklyn at this hour of the day, speaking of the time "Yo! What's the time?" I yelled to Tyler who was quietly standing next to Anthony "it's 12:35 Dre" he said.

Grabbing everything out of the car we go and settle ourselves down under a shelter with a couple of tables, just enough for all of us, Regan sat next to Isaiah, And Cassandra on the other side, Kevin took a seat next to me and Jeremiah on the other side. Tyler was sitting right at the end with his headphones in, leaning over I yank them out of his ears "you know how I feel about that Ty! It's so rude!" Tyler is one of my main men, I don't know where I'd be without the little nigga, I was having a very bad day, Tyler worked in the store I go to everyday to get a coffee, I sat down with the cup in my hand and sipped from it, yeah! In a white community place you have to act as if you ain't a ganger, and I wouldn't! I loved my coffees too much.

Anyway, Tyler was serving a costumer when he saw me looking down, he is a black man too, working a proper job though, he came and sat in front of me and for that whole time he made me re
Think everything and that night everything was well let's say better for me, we've been friends ever since.

He used to be the chatty type, always outgoing and bubbly, but ever since his pops died he hasn't spoken a word, he'd say a few things here and there but never a full sentence, after 2 years I knew he wasn't going to ever be himself so I was just there for him, being the friend he was too me, that day in the coffee shop.

"Sorry Dre" he said, I smiled and pulled his head towards mine and pressed our foreheads together, "I got you man" pulling away I gave him a handshake and sat back in place.

Cassandra pulled everything out and gave everyone a plate each, she was so stupid and funny at the same time, such a dork "dig in" I said, they all went for the food, making sure they left a mess in their way, we ain't the clean and tidy squad, Cassandra was eating and talking at the same time "oi!" I said looking at her.

"What nigga?" She had the piece of chicken in her left hand with a duh look on her face "eat with your mouth closed pig!" Kevin nudged me and laughed, I laughed with him "hey!" A voice said, it wasn't Cassie's "don't talk to your sister like that it ain't nice" Regan looked up with a fierce look on her face "sorry" I said.

Yep! She mades a nigga look like a little bitch and I literally can't help it! I can't find it in my will to disrespect her, like I disrespect Cass but maybe it's because Cass is my sister, I don't know.

We finished up our feed and had our hands on our stomachs "can't swim for at least an hour now" you guys wanna chill for a bit?" I said, pouring a drink in my cup "yeah I'm down" Regan said, her eyes sparkling brightly I couldn't stop staring, I've only known her for one day and I know this is probably so cliché, but she's sexy as hell and I wish she was mine.

"Yeah we down too Dre" everyone said smiling at me, Cass just sat there looking at Isaiah "are you guys going to make up or what?" I said.

Isaiah has been dating my sister for god knows how long, they had a fight not too long ago and them being as stubborn as each other wouldn't apologise to one another. I clearly distracted them from their love stare "huh?" Isaiah said, finally catching his attention "kiss and make up already! This shit is getting me annoyed" Regan shifted uncomfortably, I knew she wanted to move so they could talk "Regan you wanna go for a walk?" I asked politely, she looked up at me with her hazel green eyes and nodded, as soon as she moved Isaiah and Cass were talking and back to their normal selves.

I told Kevin to take them all somewhere away from the two lovers so they could have time together, they moved and chilled at a near a park directly across from the beach. Regan and I walked closely by each other.

"So Regan how are you?" I asked, I haven't had a conversation with a beautiful girl since Kia! But she annoyed the shit out of me! One of those clingy bitches! I couldn't talk to another girl without her being there, literally I couldn't even talk to my mum without getting questioned, my dad left when I was born, so I never had the father I wished I had growing up.

My mum was a mother and a father too me, I didn't mind because she did those two jobs very well! Especially with the disciplining part, never got me to be good in school though, I dropped out as soon as I hit middle school never was really interested in that whole area.

"I'm good and you?" Her smiled reached her eyes, it was very comforting.

"I'm very good, are you having fun?" I asked.
She flipped her hair and gazed up at me, "yeah, it'll be even more fun when we hit the water" I laughed and she giggled "what are your interests miss Regan?" Looking out at the sea, she looks down at the sand and lays her eyes on her intertwined fingers "I don't really have any, but when I was younger I used to sing a lot" her cheeks rose up and her teeth shone brightly at the thought "I used to sing to my grandparents when they were alive, nothing made them more happy to see me doing something I loved before I got caught up with everything"

"And by caught up" I quoted my fingers in the air

"Meaning I got into the wrong crowd that's all" she snapped, damn it was just a question

"Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you André" she looked very guilty but she didn't have to.

"Just call me dre" I said smiling

"Hmm I like André better" she
continued to talk about what happened in middle school how she used to get bullied by the white kids for being black it was really heartbreaking, they used to say awful things.

So Regan dropped out just like I did and things went out of whack from there, she didn't mention much, only that she hated the way she was from then, her mums disowned her and that's why she moved from Los Angeles.

We got lost in talking and for once I felt I could be myself, without the reputation I have dragging behind me, Cass called and said to come back so we could all go and jump in the water together, hanging up I looked at Regan "I'll race ya!" She smiled and just before I could turn around she was off like a bullet, no way was I able to catch up to her.

By then her top had been pulled off while she was running, and when she got to Isaiah they all ran into the water together! We chilled until the sun went down, I didn't want it to end, it made me feel like there was no problems I had to face beyond this day, and this day was the only day I had smiled so much my cheeks were hurting. In my eyes it was like a day on heaven.

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