My Reflection

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Kimmy's POV

I stood in the mirror staring at my horrid reflection. Why couldn't I be normal like any other werewolf, with my plain short brunette hair, light grey eyes, plump lips and button nose? There is nothing extraordinary or unique about me whatsoever. Why did I have to be so ugly? My whole existence seemed to be just a waste of space and time. Whoever decided to waste their energy on me really needed a whiplash.

Ever since I was a child, I was always an outcast. I didn't have any friends whatsoever and the jocks at my highschool always made it their main priority to made my life a living hell.

My parents paid me little to no attention as they were always on business trips. The only time they spoke to me was when they were telling me what tasks I should complete.

I personally thought that I would've gone mad already, but thanks to my awesome wolf, the only one that actually gave me shit, I was able to cope. Without her, I would've been six feet under. Actually I'd be in the forest with my body decomposing because no one gave two shiz about me. But oh well, their loss. They've truely missed out on my incredible awesomeness as none of they even bothered to try to get to know me. They were too worried about me lowering their statuses if they were even caught looking at me for merely 3 seconds. My way of analysiing it is that I'm not fat but my body couldn't contain all this awesomeness. Haha! Well that's kind of my wolf's analysis. I think I'm just what they say I am... Nothing!!

As I stood in front the mirror reflecting my life, I decided that I would make myself into a whole new person. I will no longer add on to the many scars I have inflicted on myself. No more tears to be wasted feeling sorry for the sore loser I am. No more plain ole me. No more long granny panties, baggy clothes or worn out shoes. I'm gonna start exercising and stop letting those fu*kin jocks walk over me and treat me like sh*t. I'm gonna be a whole new person all together. They're gonna come kiss my fat ass.

Whoever my mate is, is gonna be one lucky bit*h. I'll show all the haters what they have missed out on. World, here comes the new and revised me!!

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