Splishy Splashy time...

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"This pizza isn't cut properly!" Phil exclaimed.
Pizza hut was getting worse and worse these days... What ever happened to the good old days😓😓😢😢😢😢😢😢😕😕? Phil couldn't get too down about it though, he had just won a video camera📹📹 in his cereal, wow😦😦! He was amazed😃😃😃! Phil had never won anything before, he was hoping that this was the start. "I might as well put this video camera to good use😏😏😏!" He walked out to the kitchen to fetch his camera📹📹📹. When he first received the camera📹, he really only had one idea, but he knew that it would get him in trouble ;) Now he had a use for it! "How do I use this thing?" he held the camera facing his face, and pushed the big red button. "I hate pizza 🍕🍕🍕🍕hut!" exclaimed Phil. "Pizza🍕🍕, is very fatty, and bad for your cholesterol" Phil turned off the camera and uploaded the video to his computer💻💻. He wanted to share his feeling with the world, so he decided that youtube would be the place to do that very thing. No editing required, just pure unconditional feelings were uploaded to Phil's youtube channel.

Phil was in the bath🛁🛁. He was having some splishy splashy time, just with himself ;) Once Phil had dragged himself away from himself and the bath🛁🛁, he went to check on his video. 2 views! wow😧😧😎😎2⃣! someone had watched his video! He took that as a motivation and decided to film something else.
"Hi everybody, I'm so glad to have a captive audience", Phil stared into the lifeless eye of the camera. "Another side note about pizza 🍕🍕is that eating a slice of pizza 🍕delivers more fat to your body than a cheeseburger🍔. That is all" Phil uploaded the video to his computer💻 and then to youtube. he fell asleep watching the viewing counts.

Phil's mother jogged into his room and poured the holy water🙏🏿🍼 on top of Phil, because she knew what Phil did in his spare time ;) "Mum!" Mum walked out of the room. Phil turned on his computer💻💻 and looked at the viewing counts, and there were 3 WHOLE VIEWS3⃣😧😧😃😃😃😎😎😏😏!!! That was one more than last time! Phil really had a big audience to please.

Phil was having his splishy splashy time but this time in the shower😦😦😏😏🛀🏿🛀🏿! Mum was listening outside the door, preparing the Holy water🙏🏿🙏🏿🍼🍼🍼 as we speak.

Phil was one his bike🚴🏿🚴🏿🚴🏿🚴🏿🚴🏿🚴🏿 and he had him camera📹📹 on him as well. He was pedalling to Pizza 🍕🍕Hut he decided he was going to complain 😡😡and film the reaction as well😜😜😆😆😂😂. When phil arrived there, he found a sign 🚧🚧outside saying that there was a bio hazard inside the pizza 🍕🍕hut, a rat 🐀🐀🐀infestation😦😦😱😱. Phil was saddened 😢😢but pleased ☺️☺️little did anyone know, that Phil was Satan 😈himself. He was the one who planted the rats...😱😱😏😏

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