Dino The8 & Seungkwan : Who's My Favorite?

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I pick up my books and leave the classroom. The hallways are packed. Everyone is eager to leave the building and to start their weekend.

I walk to my locker and enter my combination. I open my locker and take out my book bag.

Okay. I have no English, math, and chemistry homework.

I think to myself as I get the books I need for my homework.

"Are you done yet, Y/N?" I turn around. Dino is standing behind me.

"Almost. Where are Seungkwan and Minghao (The8)?" I ask.

"They're waiting outside. They told me to go find you."

I must have been at my locker for a long time. I put my math journal in my book bag then shut my locker.

"Okay, I'm done. Lets go." I say.

Dino and I walk out of the building together. We're the same age, 16. Seungkwan and Minghao are both 17.

Dino is an energetic person. He's always the one to do daring things.

Seungkwan is the funniest out of all of us. He likes to mess around.

Minghao is the opposite of everyone. He's extremely shy. He gets nervous when meeting new people.

I remember when we had a school assembly. We were aloud to pick our seats, but Minghao came to the assembly late and he had to sit somewhere else. He looked terrified to be sitting next to people he didn't know.

We walk up to Minghao and Seungkwan.

"You took so long, Y/N! We've been waiting for 10 years!" Seungkwan says in a jokingly way.

"I'm sorry for taking so long." I say. We start walking home.

Our houses are in the same neighborhood, so we decided to walk together. The sidewalk is too small for all of us to fit, so 2 of us stand in the front and 2 of us stand in the back.

I stand in the back with Dino.

"We're going to my house, right?" Seungkwan says.

Every Friday, we go to one of our houses and hang out.

"Yeah!" I say.


We've been at Seungkwan's house for the past 2 hours. His parents are still at work.

I sit next to Seungkwan. Dino and Minghao sit in front of us.

We talk about school and things like that.

"I just realized something." Seungkwan says.

"What?" Dino says.

"I only have one class with Y/N." He says.

"Oh yeah! We only have 1 class together this year. I have Dino and Minghao in most of my classes." I say.

Seungkwan pouts. "That's not faiiiir!"

"You're jealous that you don't have any classes with Y/N." Dino says.

"What? No I'm not!" Seungkwan shouts.

"Yes you areee!" Dino says.

Even for their age, they still act like little children.

Dino and Seungkwan go on and off about random things that have to do with me. Minghao and I sit there and watch them.

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