Seungkwan : Sick Day

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I sit on my couch and wait for the doorbell to ring.

Seungkwan is going to come over after he finishes one of his fan meets.

I anxiously glance at the clock. It is 10:24 pm. He told me he might get here at 10:30 pm.

I look out the window. It's raining cats and dogs right now.

I wonder when he'll get here.


11:17 pm. I yawn.

I look out the window again. The rain has not settled.

Maybe I'll take a small nap before he comes.

I put my head down on the soft white pillow and slowly fall asleep.


"Mngh..." I open my eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Seungkwan says.

I scream and reluctantly move my head up. My head crashes into Seungkwan's head.

"Oww! That really hurt!" Seungkwan says and rubs his forehead. I rub my eyes and sit up.

"How'd you get in here?" I ask.

"I used the key you gave me yesterday."

"I totally forgot about that." I say. Yesterday, I decided to give Seungkwan a key to my house. I told him that he could use it whenever he came over.

I look at Seungkwan. His clothes is soaking wet.

"Why are you wet?" I ask.

"I was raining really badly, and I couldn't see the keyhole. So I stood out there for 10 minutes trying to get the door open."

"You're going to get a cold!" I say.

"I'll be okay! I'll just change out of these clothes. Give me 5 minutes." Seungkwan says and goes to the bathroom.


Seungkwan comes back in dry clothes. I hope he doesn't get sick.

He looks closely at my face. "Are you tired? You have really dark eye circles." He says.

"I was tired, but I'm not anymore. That nap took my tiredness away." I say and look at the time. Its 1:32 am.

"Seungkwan are you tired? It's 1 am."

"Really? I haven't looked at the time yet." He says. He looks at the clock. "Woah, it really is 1 am!"

"What! Why didn't you wake me up?" I say.

"I wanted to watch you sleep..." He says and blushes. I laugh.

"So, are you tired?" I ask.

"Just a tiny bit. But I'll stay awake until you get tired." He says and smiles.

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