Jeonghan & Seungkwan : Trapped

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I take the popcorn out of the microwave and walk into my room.

"The popcorn is ready!" I say excitedly.

"Thanks for making popcorn, Y/N." Jeonghan says.

I smile and sit between Seungkwan and Jeonghan. I put the popcorn on my lap.

"What movie should we watch?" I ask them.

"We should watch a horror movie." Seungkwan says. "I love horror movies."

"Sure, we haven't watched a horror movie in ages." I say.

I scroll through a series of movies to find a good horror movie.

I choose a horror movie with a rating of 4.3 stars.

I hope this movie is interesting. I think to myself.


"Don't go in that room! There's something in there! Why did she go into the room?!" Seungkwan yells.

Seungkwan tends to get really into movies. He always talks when a movie is being played.

Jeonghan on the other hand, he always makes jokes about the movie.

"Hahaha! The ghost looks like it hasn't slept for days." Jeonghan says.


"I bet there is a jump scare soon." Seungkwan says.

I hide my face behind a pillow.

"I don't want to see the jump scare." I say

Jeonghan steals the pillow from me and throws it across the room.

"Now you don't have a choice!" He says and laughs.

I look up at the tv and a lady jumps out of no where.

"Eeek!" I scream and hug onto Seungkwan. Both of them laugh hysterically.

"That's the end of the movie." Jeonghan says.

"That was an awesome movie! I really liked when the girl had to go to the graveyard to retrieve information." Seungkwan says.

We talk about the movie for another 10 minutes.


Jeonghan's phone starts to ring.

"I'm going to go pick this up." He says and walks out of the room.

I wonder what happened.

Jeonghan comes back into the room after 5 minutes.

"Seungkwan, we have to go back to the dorm. We have to rehearse early in the morning tomorrow." He says.

"Aw man! I wanted to stay here for longer. Sorry Y/N, we're gonna have to get going." Seungkwan says and frowns.

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