Chapter 3: The Train

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  Today, I managed to get out of bed before my alarm managed to jump me again, i looked at my clock and basically had a mini was already 10:47! The train was scheduled to depart at 11 o clock! I quickly got ready and grabbed my saddlebags, I got ready to dive down the stairs and out of the door but something stopped me. A ringing noise, high pitched like a bell. It was coming from my workshop...frozen in place and quivering in curious shock, I slowly padded towards my workshop door and nudged it open, the room was supposed to be dark because there were no windows and the lights weren't turned on, but it was illuminated by a bright luminescent blue light...the amulet! It was the only thing that could do that! I burst into the room to see what was happening, the amulet was glowing like it did last time it was active, but this time it seemed to be pulsing instead of a steady, continuous glow. I quickly pressed the release button but it was stuck for some reason, it wouldn't open...I had no more time to waste before the train left, I stuffed the amulet into my bag and hopped down the stairs and out into the street.

  Running was definitely not an option if I wanted to get to the station on time, I quickly flapped my wings as I floated into the air, once at the suitable height from the ground, I turn heel and start flying towards the station, simultaneously avoiding the hustling traffic in morning Ponyville and cutting a straight shot to the station. It took mere minutes to reach the station as I pulled a quick landing which resulted in me scratching up my hooves in the dirt and gravel, trying to put the numbing pain aside, I hopped up the steps onto the station as the train was already prepping to leave, I quickly made the dash in before the conductor closed the doors. I recovered from my little acrobatic jump through the doors and take a sigh of relief, I quickly entered the cab before the train pony could ask if I was okay considering my little scratches and cuts on my hooves. I find my trio of friends after crossing a few rather empty cabs.

"My Celestia! What did you do?!" Hope cried out, not worrying about volume considering there was no one else in the cab except us four, most of the other passengers sat a few cabs up front.

"I uh...kinda got caught up, took a slight crash landing to make it in here." I replied with a stupid answer. "I'll patch them up..."

"You really should learn to meet with appointments Berg, you always seem late to stuff." Kenji lectured me, but followed his sentence with a light chuckle, he knows me well enough that he doesn't really means these things, he likes to joke around at times as well when it comes to me and my blunders. "All things aside, it seems we have the Princess Twilights blessing with us, I told her of what we were going to do and she sent a letter back, see?" He pulled out a scroll letter and showed it to me.

"It cheers me up knowing you took my advice to heart you two, didn't I say you would uncover Equestria's secrets one by one together with your friends? I hope you will travel safe and come back to me with some good news and discoveries, and maybe a lesson or two hmm? -Yours Truly, Princess Twilight"

"Right, she did say when we both met that we would...well, we have a princess's blessing now, how bad could it get right?" I tried to up some morale, but I knew all of us had some doubts of how long this trip would be and of course the fact that we were going into non mapped and pretty much uncharted territory.

"Well...hurry up and get cleaned up, before any sort of nasty bacteria starts." Hope instructed me.

  Feeling slightly worn out, I took a seat next to Hope and got out the small pouch of meds and medical supplies I packed, I wiped off the little bits and just gave it a few bandages and gauze to clot the little scratches and cuts. As I was done patching myself up, I noticed that Jack and Kenji had already fallen asleep, and Hope had expectantly pulled out a book and started doing her light reading.

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