Chapter 11: A Creature Of Dark

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  As I fell downward, and the room slowly tore apart, the stallion being shredded to pieces and the cracks being filled by empty space, before I could think about my predicament, I landed on a whole body shattered as I could feel myself losing control of it, as the pain remained, my consciousness faded into darkness.

  As I once more jolted up from the floor, gasping for breath, the pain was as real as the cycle of day. Everywhere was still shrouded in darkness, I know knew what I needed to do...that orb, it has to control whatever this thing is. As I held the wall with my wing, I noticed the crystal was gone and in its place was a bleeding wound...that means whatever happened wasn't just a vision or dream, that happened to me. I walked towards the doorway of the room, or at least where I thought it was, I could hear something shuffling, or more accurate...something was being dragged along the floor, I instinctively looked over to the rest of the room, I couldn't even see a hint of the others. Shit, I pulled out my lighter as I flicked it on while leaning on the wall, whatever this darkness was, it was trying to drag me down to the floor if it had increased the gravity.

  As the lighter illuminated a small portion of the floor and walls, I could see that wherever I last saw Hope and Jack were laying, they weren't there, as I stepped out of the room, the noise was coming from the left...that's where the stairs were that would lead to the hall where that stallion died, I was only working off of assumptions and even assuming that the orb would even be in the holder that was decades ago, but my assumptions were better than nothing, so I pressed forward.

  As I literally had to drag my legs and body up the stairs using all my strength, I walk through the hallway once déjà vu. The doors were seemingly gone, but after I took a closer look, they weren't gone...but they were torn off, there were still shards of wood on the side and hinges, and right ahead of me, right outside the hall I could see the doors, slammed against the wall. Choking down my saliva, and the fact that every inch of my brain was telling me that this was the worse idea ever, and that I should just curl up and accept whatever fate that was waiting for me, but i just had to keep thinking about my friends...and that I'd curse myself forever if I don't try and save them if they were in trouble. They would always risked their lives for my dumb experiments, Kenji willingly escorted me through the Everfree Forest because I wanted to find a damned flower for a herbal stew I needed.

Jack once followed me to Cloudsdale, of course with the necessary spell on...well sort of, it wore off just before we had to leave, and to say the least, he fell through the floor. I wasted no time trying to save him, but when I did, I expected him to be furious at me and say that he'd never follow me again, but...I guess I won't forget his words that day till my grave. "That was amazing! When can we do that again!?"  His life was in danger and he just laughed it off.

  And Hope? Well I suppose she was always there, l knew her since childhood...and she was always there for me, when my parents would argue and fight, she'd invite me over to play games, and we kinda grew up together...until she was sent off to Manehatten to further her studies, I didn't see her for 9 years after that, until she eventually moved back to Ponyville, she said she was about done with whatever she needed to do in Manehatten, and she decided that it was best to come back to her hometown.

  As I crawled along the hallways walls, I reached the exit, I had reached the dining hall. On the throne there was a light greenish glow through the darkness...that had to be the orb!! In some form of ecstasy, I started struggling over to the throne, my body felt heavier and heavier the closer I got to the weight on me was getting more concentrated every step I took towards the throne. Until the point I struggled to even keep balance, my legs felt like giving out at any moment, if not for what happened next. My lighter suddenly blew out, and yet I felt no gust of wind that would've did it, so I took a step or two back, so that I could relight it, I stretched my wing over to the striker as I flicked it a couple of times. Hmm?? For some reason it wouldn't light, I was sure that it wasn't close to being empty, but not even a spark would come out. I gave up on the lighter, I decided to just head towards the orb, but when I looked up...I couldn't see it anymore, I couldn't see anything.

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