Chapter 1

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The cold breeze was blowing my hair like a huge hair dryer. I sat down on the green, tall grass while the flowers were all around me spraying their amazing oder at me. The pale blue sky filled with wonders of the world, inspired me. I would love to spend the whole day light watching the white fluffy clouds moving as fast as my watch's minute hand, but there were too much things going around my life I had to think about, like whats is going to happen after couple of days but, everytime I tried to think I turn into a little cute girl crying for a sweet colorful lollipop especially with my two badly made braids hanging out of head.

I have many dreams, I wish I could achieve one day to travel the whole world and visit many different places, take selfie with famous people. Learn new interesting cultures. Everytime I tell my mom about it she would just laugh in low voice.Well, at least I know why now.

"Chrisy, come on breakfast is ready,"my sister Liliana shouted.

"Com'n," I appointed.

Walking down the hill was my favorite part as a child. I would imagine myself as an airplane flying over the clouds discovering something, well that seems weird when I say it but this how I once felt.

I walked through the humongous black door covered with green leaves and a big sized chart written on it the stupid rules.

Dear citizen,
We all should know the rules of our country so we can all create a better society .

1- No one is allowed off his/her city's borders.

2- No one is allowed to be out of his/her shelter from 11:00 p.m to 7:00 a.m.

3- Schools for 3 years old children till 16 years old is a must .

4- Everyone should be at work on 8:00 sharp.

5- Food is served on the following timing
9:00 -> breakfast
2:00 -> lunch
6:00 -> dinner
No one is allowed to eat after .

6- Lying is forbidden.

7- 16 years old kids will start a new life in another city in Henmark.
- Kids will never look back to thier old life.
- A ceremony will be held to organize every kid and his/her pass ,which is due to 15 December of every year.

8- 17 years old citizens will start working according to the choices they make.

Citizens who breaks a rule will be charged according to what they did.
We all work hard for a better society
Don't forget that rules are rules.

Don't worry I would NEVER forget!!

"Should I see these stupid rules everytime I pass this roud." I thought out load.
The 7th rule always terrifies me.


The food was never late and it was always perfectly delcious.
The smell of pancakes filled the air .
"Yum, pancakes!!" I said excitedly .
I took couple of pieces and went to the dinning room.

I felt the hot juicy pancakes pass my throat to my stomach. I loved this feeling. It was one of the house rules to wash the dishes after eating so I had to wash my dish when ever I finish eating. Well, I was used to doing it and it was an easy job for a very active person like me.

The voices of my irritated sisters fighting, my crying brother, and my screaming mother filled the air. It really annoyed me but I will miss it one day.

My father would be at work from 8:00 a.m till 9:00 p.m and we were never allowed to ask him what does he works. It was one of the "HOUSE RULES" ,too .

3 years ago when my older brother (Jonthan) turned 16 he was moved to Lilcons a city away from Mendas (my city) so, everyday I pray to God that I will be moved to Lilcons so I can meet my brother. He is 19 now. I wish he didn't forget us or that I'm now 16 and I will be turned to a new city so I can be independent, which is an awkward way to teach a human being how to be independent.

I will miss my crazy twin sisters (Leya) and (Liliana) and my baby brother (Masen). My mama and papa. I hate the rules and I will never let stupid rules to take me away from my family and my whole life the same way it did to John. Imagine if it was you. I would accept doing suicide though I still didn't try making it.

Well, its only 2 days away from my destiny's date. Wow I seriously can't wait!!!! :[
Hi Guys! ! ! ! !
I hope you enjoyed this part as I enjoyed writing it.
This really means the world to me.
So if you enjoyed it please share and vote. Most of all comment because I would love to read what you think of the story and if there are any mistakes please inform me.
Don't be a silent reader<♤>

Special thanks to RaghaddMurad for making the book's cover. Thanks so much!!
Need any help on your cover go to her is probably an amazing cover maker ;)
With love,

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