Chapter 4

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I can't find words to describe how much I'm happy that my book got to 50 readers. I never thought I will ever get to 30 and now there are 50. I am honored and blessed that you guys are reading my book . Thanks :)

Blackness was all I could see; if I was seeing anything anyways. Hard, numb, broken was all I could feel.
What happened to me . I'm I dead. Suddenly,  light was invading my vision sending me to reality.

I hardly opened my eyes . I couldn't see anything .

"She is awake!!" a familiar sound yelled.

"I ....can't..see........I can't see anything ," was all I could say.

"Don't worry honey your vision will be back, " someone said , I bet she is a woman. Her voice was deep but lovely.

" am ..... I ?" my lips hardly moved.

"Oh, welcome to our world and your world, sweetheart" she said as she brushed my hair with her finger which made me ack but I couldn't move. Why would someone who never saw me like and treat me kindly. How weird.

Misteriously, I remembered Masen.

"Masen! Where is Masen," I tried to  yell .

"Yes!! Noah!! " she shouted with exburence ,"weren't late!! She remembers her brother !" she shouted and suddenly I remembered the ceremony, the gunshot and the figure's promise to get me out of the ceremony maybe he helped me and this is were he brought me.

"Don't worry Chris he is in his room ," the familiar sound said.

" Th......." I stopped as I started to see blurred things; red mixed with black background and black figures. The ROOM. It may be the room in my dreams .

Oh come on Christina, that was just a dream.

As everything stared to get clearer I could recognize the thin black figure I saw in my dreams or vision or whatever. Now I'm pretty sure I'm off my mind!!
I kept my eyes on it as my sight was getting better and better.

He.....He was a boy. He was pale, with blue eyes as the attractive as the sky that was filled with clouds back in my city, he had light brown hair that fell into his eyes.
He looked young maybe 18 or 20 something between. He was wearing black skinny jeans,  white t-shirt and black leather jacket. He was thin and tall. Kinda the man I'd have a crush on. Ahhhhhhh......What I'm I thinking.

"I can see!!" I shouted. I noticed that I wasn't numb anymore I can talk freely too.

"We are glad , Christina as much as we are glad to have you here, " he said "oh,  as I would like to introduce you to us."

There was a woman that looked exactly like my brother John but with taller hair. Oh John .She had the same green eyes, pale skin, red hair but she was wearing all black,too. That I started to wonder if  there was a funeral or something .

"So, I'm Noah and I will be with you the whole time as a friend and guard and this is your mo......I mean Beth one of the most famous worrier here. I'm pretty sure you saw her somewhere " he said softly .

I hate when someone changes what they wanted to say ' She is my ,what,' it makes me curious about what they were going to say.

Oh wait...what a worrier!!!!

"Wait! Worrier. Where am I ?" I said surprised .

"Welcome to the world. You are in the real world, the world were you belong. Well you were taken away because we suffered from an  apocalypse , Zombie Apocalypse th...." Beth stopped as someone shouted.

" STOP!!!!" A man said furiously as  everyone in the room stood tall "Beth I needed to talk to you outside please."

I watched her walk away as she winked at me.

There was silence after she. A long one.

"Who was that ?" I interrupted the silence.

"Oh, that's her husband. She was going to say things you aren't ready to know, that is why he freaked out," Noah laughed,"but don't worry he is a good guy well.. a very good guy."

Hahahahah.... did they really think that I would believe that there is a zombie apocalypse.

I don't know why I trusted him so much like come on me I just knew him !!
I feel like I know him since ever.
Why I'm I acting like he is an old friend , well I'm a shy person I should kind of be speechless, but maybe because I have sso much  going around  my brain for now.

"I have many questions I would want an answer for " I appointed. Yea I really do. Everyone in my place would do.

"I'm ready for any questions, bring it on" he said raising his hands and then slapping them on his knees as if  he is going for a competition .

"How did you visit my dreams."

"Well, they weren't dreams they are kinda like visions . We are from the same kind we can communicate through our minds. You will learn this through your experience here"

He seriously doesn't think I'm going to believe him. Right!!

"First time we met you said I'm the chos...en one. What did you mean?"

"I guess I am not the one to tell you that "

"Oh, this doesn't mean I won't ask you all my questions now." I laughed " Is  there a real zombie apocalypse I mean dead people can't live, right ?"

"The zombie apocalypse is about 300 years ago its not a thing anymore , people couldn't find a cure so they created devices to kill them, to get ride of them, to prevent other people from getting turned to one of them  though you should take care outside.  No worries partner I will teach you how to adapt."


"Yea, I think I know everything about you but I don't think you know anything about me, girl. "

"Well!! I don't wanna ask how did you know about me, but how old are you."

"Wow, I didn't think you would be seem interested in my age..." he giggled " I am 18"

"Do I look older," he continued. I think I had a surprised expression on my face.

"No its just because -- I gu..... whatever" I blushed as he laughed,

"What is your middle name ".

"Dexten "

Well Noah Dexten is my new lab partner. Lol I'm such a jerk.

"Waa, great name. What do you like to do in your free time," I said involuntarily.

"I don't have that much of a free time but anyways all I do is practice; you know you will do this too ," he appointed, "well thanks for keeping your promise and going to the ceremony, " he said.

"Thanks for brining me and Masen out of that world , " I replied, "are my real parents here, and John will he ever be here ," my tone suddenly turned sad.

"Why do you have no patience, wait and everything I promised you will happen." He winked as he raised an eyebrow.

" Merci beaucoup , " I thanked him.

" De rein mademoiselle, " he replied.

Well, he knows french,too!
I think he would be a wonderful guy. I wish he doesn't turn evil or that would be a great loss.


So what do think?

What would you do if you were in her place?

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With love,
Dania ♡

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