Chapter One

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Thanks to my beta. You really helped me out.

Chapter 1:

Renesmee's POV:

Hi my name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen, or Nessie as everyone calls me. I'm half human and half vampire. I'm nearly fully grown. I'm only six, but I look like I'm seventeen or eighteen. My father really hates that fact. Mom does too, but she’s not a vocal in letting me know. My dad tells me everyday. Or he thinks it at me. It is really frustrating. I am not sure how mom has put up with him so long.

I can put images in others minds. Kind of the opposite of what my dad can do. Only way cooler. He can hear what others think, and I can actually show others my mind. Like I said way cooler. But I wouldn’t mind being able to hear certain peoples thoughts.

My parents are Edward Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan, or you can call mom, Bella. She likes that better. Though family sometimes calls her Isabella. But its mostly Dad and Grandpa Carlisle who call her that. My mom was human when she met my dad. They dated a few years before getting married. Which wasn’t not dad’s idea he would have married her that first day, but because my Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Renee divorced; mom didn’t want to get married young. But dad wore her down and she agreed. On their honeymoon they conceived me. I was a total surprise. Then I pretty much broke her body and forced my way out. Dad had to change her. Dad is a mind reader. He can't read moms mind though she lets him in on occasions.

 To start at the beginning. Mom and dad met at Forks High. She moved to live with my grandpa Charlie in her junior year, she met dad on her first day. They didn't fall in love right away but over time they did and even after dad left her once, mom still saved him and they got married. A few years ago we had to stand up to the Volturi. Man was that crazy. Mom and aunt Alice saved the day. Now life has pretty much calmed down. And all the family are getting together for my birthday party. But I’m getting a head of myself.

Let me introduce you to my family. First is my grandparents Carlisle and Esme Cullen, and Charlie and Renee. Renee doesn't know anything about us. She thinks mom is dead. She wouldn't do well knowing the secret. Mom says that she is like a child at heart. Thinking bout her makes mom sad because we cant have a relationship with her. And grandma will never get to know me. Charlie, well, Jacob kind of outed mom after I was born. So he knows only what is necessary. Mom doesn't say to much and I think grandpa Charlie only cares if we are in his life. He's seeing this nice lady named Sue. Sue's kids hang with Jacob. Grandpa is the chief of police. I think it's a pretty cool job.

My grandpa Carlisle is so cool too. He's a doctor. And he's really good at his job. He isn't gifted like some in my family but I love him never the less. Grandma Esme is not gifted either but she is very loving. She liked to decorate too. Which is pretty awesome in my book. I can go to her for advice like I can my mom. One detail that makes for even more coolness is I was named after my grandparents.

Next is my Aunt Rosalie and my Uncle Emmett. Rosalie really is into cars and has redone all of the family cars. I love her. She doesn't have any gift other than I think her beauty. She can make men and women do whatever she wants them to. But again that is becuase she is very beautiful. They just stare at her and faun over her. Like she's a god. She also loves to shop with Aunt Alice. And loves to play dress up with me like my Aunt Alice too. Uncle Emmett has brute strength. I guess that can be a gift. I mean he couldn't beat mom at arm wrestling in her first year, but he can take on grizzly bears and take down trees. We all had a laugh when i busted him out because my mom beat him. Even if he wasn't strong I would still love him. He is also a big kid. And super goofy. We play Video games alot. But something you shold know about Him is that he is super techy. a computer whiz. He has been teaching me about that lately.

Then there is Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper. Aunt Alice is into fashion and is super hyper. She loves to dress me up. I love that sometimes, but I'm more like my mom when it come to playing Barbie with me.  After about ten minutes i get bored and im done. One thing about aunt Alice is see can see the future. Although when she looks for mine it is blurry or disappears. But she can see the family's future just fine. she cant see the wolves future though, so, it makes me feel a little better about why she cant see mine as much. Jasper is really laid back. At first he was hesitant to be around me. He was that way with my mom too. He's an empath. Meaning that he can control emotions and feel what others are feeling. I feel bad for him. But after awhile we became close. I read with him.

Last there is Jacob. He's a werewolf. My best friend. We play and go hunting sometimes. We are really close. He's been there for me since I was born. He helped dad save my mom.  Lately I have been having feelings for Jacob or Jake as I call him. It's like I'm falling in love with him. I have never felt this way before so I don't know what's going on. I can't talk to mom or dad about it because they didn't like Jake that much when I was first born. I wanted to know what was going on with me.

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