It's Good To Be Back - Chapter One

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Dipper's POV:

"I take one look at you and I grow cold."

I toss and turn, deep in slumber. I see cake, decorations, Mabel, hear laughter... oh, its all just a dream. That reminds me, Mabel and I turn twenty today. Finally adults. Well, barely starting, anyways. Sighing happily, I pull up my covers up a bit higher, exposing my feet. Damn, its been eight years since Mabel and I have visited the Mystery Shack. I really need to get some new bed sheets!

Well, the Mystery Shack isn't the greatest place to stay, but it'll just have to do for this summer. Mabel and I could've just spent our summer as we please, but no. Hooray for over protective parents. We complete chores most of the time. Not much quality time for ourselves, honestly. I definitely don't have any fond childhood memories here, either. I just hope that stupid demon doesn't come back. That triangle ruined everything. I even forgot his name-- well, whatever. He doesn't deserve to be a thought in my head, anyways.

"My, Pine Tree, that sure is cruel." I hear a familiar voice unhappily say behind me. 

Screaming, I grab ahold of the nearest object I can find. Whipping around and holding it defensively, I expect to see the triangle I despise so much-- but find a boy that looks about my age instead.

"W-What the hell?!" I yell, suddenly stopping in remembrance that Mabel and I share a room in the Mystery Shack. 

"Wow, a pillow? That'll definitely hurt me," He teased. 

"What do you want from me?!" My voice drops to a harsh whisper. 

"You don't even remember my name," he pretends to look hurt and completely ignores my question.

I groan, and eye him up and down. Black slacks, a ridiculously fancy yellow buttoned up vest, a black elbow-length collared shirt under the vest, black polished shoes, a black eye patch, finished off with a stupid floating top hat. After he ran his fingers through his blond hair, he cleared his throat. What an idiotic thing to do.

"The names Bill Cipher," he proudly stated. 

Oh my god-- its the dream demon

"But you already knew that." 

Of course I know him. The stupid triangle that practically ruined my childhood. My stomach tightens. I feel nothing but pure hatred toward him. He stares at me with an amused expression.

"Bill," I repeat, clenching my fists. Why is he here. Why now. I've suffered enough when I was twelve because of him, I don't need any more trouble. 

"It's been eight years, go find someone else's life to torment!" I spat, glaring at Bill.

"Ah, Pine Tree, you simply have it all wrong." He casually replied. "I'm not here to cause any harm, I just need a place to stay." Liar. Who the hell would trust you?

Bill huffed in annoyance. "You trusted me a couple years ago." 

Shit, I forgot he could still read my mind. "Yeah, then you basically tried to kill me!" I object. 

Bill glared at me. Why is he angry? He's the one who messed everything up.

"Listen, idiot, I need a place to stay because I've reached my final form. Which is, y'know, this." Bill gestured to his body. "Unfortunately, human bodies are so weak that they are incapable of relying on themselves, so they must rely on stupid things like shelter." I rolled my eyes.

I stayed silent for a moment. Well, he'd certainly be a big help regarding chores and such. Why not? Plus, I've done some research on how to stop demons. My knowledge on them has increased dramatically over the years. 

"Fine." I state, shrugging.

A grin appeared on his face. "Alright. Thanks. So, do you mind scooting over?" 

Are you kidding me. "Um, yeah, I in fact do mind." Bill frowned.

"You, my fellow demon, will be sleeping on the couch. Downstairs." It's all about power and control, Dipper. Keep that in mind. 

Bill pouted. "But, Piiiine Treeee," he pleaded. I'm not sure why he's being flirtatious, but I just brush it off.

I smirked. "I thought you needed a place to stay?" Hopefully this'll teach him to respect me.

Bill's pout quickly turned into an annoyed frown. I knew he was embarrassed.

"Don't fucking push it," Bill warned, voice suddenly becoming deeper. 

Sassy and angry in less than five minutes. You never know what the hell to expect from him. He began walking towards my bed, and thats when I realized that he was still a demon. He was still powerful than me. Nervously scooting back onto my bed, my back hit the wall. Nowhere else to go.

Bill tilted my chin upward, us now both maintaining eye contact. "I can end you. At this very moment. Any moment. However I'd like," He finished, eyes flashing red for a moment. 

I gulped, and quickly looked away. I silently hope he didn't notice the shaky breath I just took.

"Anyways, I ought to be heading downstairs to sleep. Night, Pine Tree." Bill said as if he didn't just threaten me. 

He's such a fucking pain. I pull my blanket up once again, and lay down. I just want to sleep and forget about what just happened. After glancing at the clock sitting upon my bedside table, I realize its five in the morning.

Fuck, the things I have to put up with. 

"Oh, and one more thing," Bill says, leaning against the doorframe. "Happy twentieth Birthday." And was off with a wink.

(Author's Note: Hey, lovely people of the internet! I felt like creating a Billdip fanfic, so here it is. I'll most likely update later or tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your reading list! It'd mean a ton to me! c: -Jazmin x)

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