Happy Birthday - Chapter Three

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Dipper's POV:

♪ "Two single hearts on fire." ♪

Before I knew it, Mabel, Bill, and I were standing in front of the party. 

"Behold!" Mabel proudly announces, resting her hands on her hips.

I begin to regret coming here, especially with Bill. Uneasiness fills my stomach, and I quickly take a deep breath. Get a grip of yourself, Dipper! You'll be fine. Just get through the night.

The music blasting from the speakers that stood at every corner flowed throughout the heavy atmosphere. No matter where you looked, there were tons of people around our age dancing and drinking. I pity their stupidity. 

"C'mon, guys!" Mabel excitedly ushered us to join the party. As she ran ahead, I squinted my eyes to make sure she isn't doing anything she may regret. Tons of guys watched her as she passed by them. Stupid fucking perverts.

She skips over to one of the tables and grabs ahold of a red plastic cup. Well, if that isn't the most obvious way to point out that a cup contains alcohol. 

I groan and walk over to her. "Mabel, you don't need that." Referring to the alcohol, of course.

Mabel pouts. "Dipper, we turn twenty today! I know theres only one more year until we're officially allowed to drink, but, c'mon, let me have some fun!" Her hazel eyes practically sparkle, pleading.

No point in stopping her. Once Mabel makes a decision, she sticks to it. Which, I guess, is a pretty good quality to have, but. It gets quite annoying at times. Before I could even reply, she took a huge gulp. Oh my god.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." I firmly state, and walk off. I'll still be watching her from afar, of course. She's still my sister, I need to protect her.


I see Bill leaning against a wall and chatting with a couple of girls, red plastic cup in hand. He's standing under a lantern, the light casting a glowing effect on his blonde hair. Without the fancy outfit and eye patch, I admit, he looks pretty normal. I see a black haired girl from the bundle of awfully flirtatious teens throw her head back in laughter. Wow, they must really be hitting it off. I-I mean, not like I care.

Then why do I feel jealousy stirring at the sight of this girl and Bill?

Standing within the dancing crowd, I contemplate whether I should head over to Bill and lure him into some kind of conversation, or just stand somewhere else alone until this damn party ends.

Well, Bill is just out of my league. I mean, look at him. The way he effortlessly manages to look attractive all the time. The way he dances, as if he's floating. The way he can charm the hell out of anyone without even trying. 

Then theres me. I mean, I don't have a problem with me, but. I'm Dipper Pines. I guess its best to just rely on myself and not get involved with Bill. 

I feel Bill watch me as I turn around and begin shoving through the crowd. Fuck, I didn't intend for him to notice! 

"Ah, watch it!" People tell me as I accidentally step on their feet. 

"My bad, coming through!" Sheepishly laughing, I apologize.

Picking up my pace, I manage to come across an unoccupied tree. Thank god. Hopefully I lost him.


I press my back against the tree, and let myself hit the ground. Don't worry, Dipper, you just need to sit and wait until the party ends. No big deal. I may be alone, but at least the setting is worth admiring. Minus the drunken teenagers and drunken early adults, of course.

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