The Zoo

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~~~The Zoo~~~

          Standing in front of the hazy mirror in the bathroom joining with Jonah’s room, I examined my appearance. The usual pastel t-shirt, skinny jeans, head scarf, and of course my caramel colored hair wrapped in a bun.  .

            I’d never thought I was pretty, actually rather homely. My friend, Kale, said I was super pretty, so did my mother—I never saw it.

            Doing my best to accept myself, I got into my brother’s car, and tried to silence my nerves. It was the first day of school, and I had no idea what to expect.

            “Don’t be so shy, G,” Jonah sighed, must of sensed my anxiety.

            “Don’t be a smart ass,” I retorted.

            He glared at me, with the signature Kennedy glare.

            “I’m just trying to lighten the mood…”

            “Well, sometimes you are the smart ass, Gia.”

            That was the end of the conversation, at least until we pulled into the parking lot, and everyone looked at us as if we were crazy. The lot was filled with older cars, and our dad’s Porsche stood out like a sore thumb.

            “I think we should of taken mom’s van…” I mumbled.

            “No.” my brother paused smirking, as he revved the engine, “The ladies will love it.”

            And they sure did.

            The second we got out of the car girls walked by super slowly, flipping their hair, giggling, and hiking up their already short skirts.

            “What’d I tell you?” he grinned, winking at a group of blonds staring.

            Like clockwork they all giggled in response, some blushing.

            “This is going to be fun,” Jonah laughed, slamming the door shut.

            “For you maybe,” I whispered, as we walked through the crowd.

            A group of girls glared at me when they saw me with my brother. They probably thought we were dating, YUCK!

            “Be here at three, okay, G?” he sighed, after waving to one of the girls who glared at me, and was still staring.

            “Yeah, try not to become a total manwhore, kay?” I joked.

            He scrunched up his face, and said something under his breath too inaudible to understand.

            “First hour, calculus” I repeated to myself, looking around like a lost child.

            I had been wandering around the tiny maze for way too long, trying not to bump into teenagers who obviously knew their way. This place may have been smaller than my old school in Seattle, but the kids were much ruder around here. People called each other names that should be banned from society, girls wore clothing eight sizes too small, and I’m pretty sure I witnessed a drug exchange already. This place was just like a zoo.

            “Need help?” A masculine voice asked, from behind me.

            I turned to see a tall, semi-muscular guy, that could totally pull off that bad boy look.  Especially with those fitted jeans, and faded jacket that practically screamed, “I’m bad news.”

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