Chapter 25 : The Aftermath

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"James David Mikaelson is proven guilty for the impeachment of sexual assault towards Rebecca May Salvatore. Considering he's a minor, he is sentenced to be suspended and will remain in detention center for six months and to serve community service for a whole year. Hereby, this case is closed," the judge declared his final judgment and struck the gavel against a sound block that placed on his desk. He got up and left the court room.

Almost immediately after the judge left the room, two security guards walked over to James. One of them turned his body around, grabbed both of his hands on his back, and secured a handcuff around his wrists. Then, they escorted him outside, to the car that would take her to the detention center. Klaus got up from his seat and approached Damon and Becca who were in the other side of the room.

"Damon, Rebecca," he greeted.

"Klaus," Damon greeted back, reached out and shook his hand.

"Thanks for doing this," Damon thanked him.

"No problem. It's time for him to learn the lesson. He is getting out of control lately," Klaus said, letting out a sigh.

"Daddy, who is he?" Becca interrupted, looking at Klaus.

"He's James' father," Damon told her. Becca's eyes widened as she took a step backward.

Sensing the fear that Becca felt, Damon quickly added, "He's also my old friend. Don't worry. He won't hurt you, sweetie."

Klaus leaned over slightly to be on Becca's eye level. He smiled at her.

"Hello, Rebecca. It's a pleasure to finally meeting you in person," Klaus said, reached out his hand for Becca to shake.

Becca looked at his hand for several seconds, then looked up at her Dad. Damon nodded his head as an encouragement. Becca finally reached her hand out as well and shook Klaus's hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Mikaelson," she said and cringed when the word 'Mikaelson' left her mouth.

"I apologize for what my son did to you. I truly am. And I assure you, James won't be able to come near you in the future," Klaus stated.

"Thanks," Becca replied.

"You're welcome, love," Klaus smiled. He then straightened up his body again.

"I gotta go. I still have a lot of things to take care of. Give my regards to Elena," Klaus told Damon.

Damon nodded and responded, "Will do."

"See you around Damon, Rebecca," Klaus nodded his head, giving them a smile. Then he turned around and left.

"Come on, sweetie. We need to head home as well," Damon said. Then, they walked to his car in the parking lot.


At school, the news spread faster than a blaze of fire. Becca got permission to stay home for several days after what happened at the court, just to let her compose herself. Becca went to the hospital to check her body up, even though she didn't want to. She told Damon that she felt fine and there was nothing unusual that she felt on her body, but Damon insisted with the reason of making sure she didn't get pregnant, STD, or any other disease. It turned out she didn't catch any disease and the doctor said there was nothing to worry about, at least physically.

Sarah and Kate checked on Becca occasionally to make sure she was okay. She was getting better, or so they thought, but actually she was getting worse. She kept having nightmares about that night. She felt like she was about to blow up with the abundant of feelings she felt inside, but at the same time she felt empty and numb. She couldn't cope with her feelings, so she started to cut herself again behind closed doors. No one had noticed yet and she planned on keeping it that way. She couldn't bear to face Damon if he found out about her cutting again.

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