The begining

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The alarm clock read 6:00 am i was late i couldn't be not on the first day not today i threw off the ice blue comforter and jumped out of bed the lights in my room were still off and so were the hallway lights i picked up my phone 3:40 what? How could it be 3am when my alarm clock said i turned my head back to the alarm clock 3:42 i wanted to die i tried to go back to bed but couldn't finally 5:30 came and i rolled out of bed grabbed my pink makeup bag that had Hope spelled out in bright green letters and teal polo and khakis and slowly walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall i flipped on the light switch and set the bag on the counter i pulled the light teal polo off the hanger and slipped it on over the white tank top i had slept in the night before i peeled of the black nike pros i had slept in as well and pulled on the skinny khakis i pulled my light blonde hair back with a white headband and reached into the pink makeup bag and pulled out each piece of makeup one by one i squeezed what was left of ivory foundation onto the top of my hand and began to start my makeup. After i finished my makeup i sliped on the small braclet that the boy with the dark brown eyes had givien me back in texas i picked up what i had taken out of the pink bag and put it back in picked up the bag and walked back to my bedroom by this time both parents had already been up for at least a half hour i set my things down on my black desk and ran down the stairs to the kitchen "good morning Hope" my mom said cheerfully "morning" i replied in a tired voice " the car will be here in about ten minutes to take you to school" father shouted from the den. I scooped up my bright blue backpack from vera bradley and walked out the front door to the driveway Patrick my family's chauffeur was waiting on the curb in the dark black limo. I waved and sprinted to the car the door bursted open "HOPE!" A familiar face jumped out of the car and pulled me in a tight embrace. "Skai!" I screamed Skai had been my best friend since 2nd grade and we were never apart. We got back in the car and began the 15 min drive to oakdale prep. "So how was Europe?" I asked skai "suprisingly boring until we got to paris, omg all the clothes i wish you could have gone." She screamed with excitment " i would have if my parents didnt send me to indiana to be with my grandparents for the entire summer" i barked Skais eyes stared at her lap "were here miss" patrick said opening the car door as we got slowly got out of the car peoples eyes stared and jaws droped at the sight of our ride "thank you patrick" i said as i waved for him to leave "Katie, , emma,savannah, Madison. Over here" i screamed motioning for the group of girls to come my direction, we all huddled in the same spot we do every year each of the girls told us about there amazing exotic summer expected for me i was to embarrased to talk about the lame summer i had at casa de la grandparents i did how ever talk about the amazing guy i met while i was in indiana his name is Brayden but he doesnt live around here i started then were is he from savannah interrupted umm LA i lied though i was way to emmbarrased to tell them that he was a guy from southern indiana the sound of the bell ringing rang through out the lawn "were talking about this at lunch" Skai demanded
We all walked up the stairs and into the building for class the bell rang for first period i rushed to get to mr. Calebs english class i took a deep breath before opening the door, i crystal door knob was cold as i turned it and quietly pulled the door open i could feel every eye turn to my direction but i looked stright ahead and gave the light pink slip of paper to a man with dark brown hair and round silver glasses "Ah yes Marianne Hope Renoyolds.." Mr. calebs began "just Hope" i said quickly " yes well please take a seat Ms. Renoyolds" he jestured towrds the back of the room, i looked up to see the dark brown eyes and  dirty blonde hair i had left in indiana clay but how? i looked away quickly and sat next to Savannah and madison in the far corrner of the class room,
the bell rang and i rushed towards the door but a cold hand grabed the side of my arm and spun me around Bright brown eyes staring me in the face agian "it was you!"he said in a slight southern accent "what are you do here" i said back nervously "my dad" he began "Hope you coming" madison waved for me to join the "i have to go" i said as i ran off to be with my friends "who was that?" Savannah asked couriosly "nobody" i replied i turned my head back to the door but he was gone i looked back down at the gold braclet and traced my thumb over the letters H+B" are you ok?" Madison asked i jerked my head up and smiled "yea im fine lets go to chemistry" i said bubbly. we laughed as we walked through the door to chemistry i froze as i saw him again next to the only open seat in the room i walk over to the small lab table next to the window his eyes whatch me as i slowly make my way over to the seat next to him "hi" i mumbled under my breath as i took a seat "hello" he said back looking at his note book "Scince its the first day" mrs.johnson stared "you will have the entire period to get to know the person next you who will be your lab partner for the rest of the semester" she continued i layed my head on my desk in frustration "why are you avoiding me?" i looked up and stared at Brayden i could tell he saw the pain behind my eyes "i i i" i couldnt get the words out of my mouth i could feel a lump starting to form in my throat i closed my eyes trying to wake up from some kind of dream but all i could think about was him all the memories we had even when i had to leave him to come home to california i could feel the tears running down my face the bell rang i jumped out of my seat at raced for the door his brown eyes followed every step i ran into the girl's bathroom and slid down the glimmering white wall i buried my head in my hands and cried i ripped off the gold bracelet Brayden had given me when we had first met and stuffed it into my jacket pocket more and more memories popped into my head all i could remember was waiting for him at the airport but never showing up just then Emma and Katie burst through the door i jumped up wiping the tears from my face " what the hell happened? who do i need to kill?" Emma said punching her left hand " noone i'm fine i swear" i said splashing my face with cold water skai spun me around quickly making my headband fall onto the floor " are you sure" she said staring directly into my eyes "positive" i barked pushing her and emma out of the way "well aren't you guys coming to lunch?" i said turning around "in a minute" skai said hesitantly i could hear the door slam as i walked out into the empty hallway two cold hands pushed me up against the locker "Brayden! What the Hel.." his lips touched mine but i pushed him away "don't tell me that you're just going to forget everything that happened back in indiana are you?" i could see the worry in his face "Do i need to remind you that you're the one that left me at that airport! not the other way around" i said furiously his eyes were focused on the ground " i made a mistake ok im sorry but i lost you once and im not losing you again: he said steping closer " i love you hope always have always will" "iii" i didn't know what to say i froze again "Hope? where are you?" Emma said from down the hall "can we please talk about this later?" i asked nervously "NO"he said furiously " i need an answer" "an answer for what?" I asked "do you still have feelings for me?" My heart stopped i felt like i couldn't breathe " I really need to go i'll talk to you more about this later" i said trying to meet up with emma and Skai who were half way down the hall i raced back to Brayden and handed him a note that said meet me in the upper part of the auditorium during 8th period we can talk more there - Hope I turned back towards emma and Skai "who was that?" Skai asked "just an old friend" i said glancing back towards him his glimmering brown eyes followed me towards the end of the hall the strong smell of es car go rushed past us Emma took in a wif of the air "yes my favorite!" She squealed i pushed the gold doors to the cafeteria open as we all walked up to the front of the line we pushed past two blonde girls who rolled there eyes at us as we grabbed the three hot pink tray from the top of the cart "our usual please " emma said with a bright smile the lunch lady places a strawberry milkshake on each of our trays, we walked over to cash register a small lady placed a bowl of salad on the three trays along with a piece of cake and a white vase with a pink rose in it "I've got it today girls" Skai said waving a hundred dollar bill in front of our faces she handed it to the small lady with the round glasses and we began to walk over to a small table in the corner where savannah katie and madison were sitting "hope over here" savannah patted the seat next to her i walked over to the small booth in the corner of the cafeteria and slid in next to savannah. Katie followed and sat on the opposite side of me."so" Skai said with a bright grin on her face "Sooo what" i said whipping my head up from my tray. "So who was that guy in the hallway?" "Like i said earlier hes no one" i mumbled under my breath "oh really?" A voice said from behind us i turned my head sharply "and you are?" Savannah said i could hear the sarcasm in her voice "Jeremiah, Jeremiah jones" i turned my head back and stared down at my tray i felt my heart drop was Kaylee here too i thought to myself i jumped up looking for her "shes not in here" Jeremiah said "what the hell are you talking about" i barked back "Kaylee duh" he said pretending to flip his hair i grabed him by the arm and pulled him into the hall "What the Hell Jeremiah " i screamed "woah chill out Hope, Brayden told you our dad got transferred didnt he?" I wanted to shout no but i remembered when Brayden had tried to explain things but i left before he could. I looked down at my shoes again, i was finally getting tired of looking at my old riding boots. "Just talk to him? Please" Jeremiah said but before i could say anything he was gone.

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