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I walked up the steps to the aditorium "brayden you up hear" i whispered no reply i decided to sit in one of the seats and wait minutes had passed and still nothing maybe he doesnt want to talk maybe enough maybes i thought to myself i sat for 10 more minutes before giving up i stood up and headed towards the door " were ya headed small fry" i turned around knowing who it was there sitting on the railing he was "how long have you been hear" i ask not even knowing he was there in the first place "long enough to know how quiet you can be" he said cracking a smile "are we gonna talk or not" i demanded "sure i guess" he said trying to act all cool "sooo" this conversation was going no where "well scince your going to take forever" he bragged " let me start my dad got transferred here for work and i didnt leave you at the airport you never told me you were leaving but oh well your here now" "first off" i began "i dont need your stupidity rubing off on me and i told you that i had to go home at the end of the summer so dont pull that crap on me and stop trying to guilt me into liking you its not gonna work besides i like someone anyways" i snickered and stood up "now if were done here im missing AP calculus" i whiped my hair and marched down the stairs  i could hear brayden practicly shouting at me from the hall it was true i did like someone else i thought to my self  or did i. I walked down the hall to my locker when some stupid idiot ran into me and made me drop all my books "watch were your going idiot" i screamed "sorry your royal highness" he said bowing i rolled my eyes "so are you just gonna stand there or" i said crossing my arms " oh right i forgot her royal highness is to lazy to pick up her own books" he said trying to be tough "the names hope and fyi my books were probably more expinsive then those stupid shoes your wearing" i wasnt going to let some loser treat me like the trash he was "whatever im outta here pick up your own books princess" he said bowing but as he turned to walk away i quickly said "please" i whined he turned aroumd and smiled "what was that im not sure if i heard corectly did the hope johnson just say please" he said laughing
"Haha just pick up the books" i crossed my arms and fliped my hair he mocked me "fine whatever" he picked the books up and handed them to me "here" he said handing me the pile of books "whats your name slacker " i said crously "Prince logan james kingsley the third" he said craking a smile " right and what kingdom are you from cause im not buy you act" i said rolling my eyes "well its this little place called northumberland, england" he said trying not to smile "well then your highness wheres your accent" i was trying to make a point and was pretty much failing "ah you noticed well i guess thats the perks of growing up in america" he laughed before i could say anything else the bell rang and headmistress connors came running franticly around the cornner "you highness oh there you are" she shouted as sge stoped for air other students were starting to leave there classes and filling up the hallways "well thats my que intill we meet agian my dear" he smiled and ran off ms connors raced after him i just stood there laughing when he came out of the autidtorium "hope we need to talk" he said as he made his way towards me i turned around and began to head towards my last period "i have nothing to say to you" i said without even turning around "come on hope" he said practicly pleading i turn around quickly "i told you we d-o-n-e done and you can stop fowllowing me around like a lost puppy" people started to stare and point i took out a penicl and threw it "go fetch go on get out of my life idiot" i took a coffe from some freshman who prcticly cryed when i dumped the entire thing all over brayden "ooo looks like the dog needs a bath" i laughed and walked away i could feel the regret brewing inside me but didnt care. I wanted to ditch ninth period so instead i  drove to the mall and hit up forever 21

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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