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book(s): Soul, Saving Grace (minor character/ appearances)

Jinx...where do I even begin with this one..haha the creation of Jinx Clemens was fun, I wanted a tiny little spitfire and I like to think I made one XD

Jinx was probably created faster than almost any of my other girls.

with her it was more of 'who the hell could put up with the weird man I'm planning to create?' rather than 'this, i must have her be this'

She is the only female lead that I created after creating her counterpart.

Her name...


haha it has a nice ring to it and of course means charm and has a negative connotation to it, I knew she would be paired with death itself so i sort of wanted to play with the concept and negativity usually associated with death and spin it into something beautiful.

as for the last name Clemens it menace merciful. my own little stab at mercy killing.

I'm terrible I know. lol

Basic profile I started with:

NAME Jinx Clemens

AGE (Birthday: June 1st) SHORT DESCRIPTION A tiny little red head with a keen sense of curiosity and knack for trouble.

NICKNAME little fox, tiny flame, charm, doll (all of which are from Than)



OCCUPATION Works night shifts at the library

GENDER female


FAMILY mom: Nicole Clemens

dad: Don Clemens

older sister (19): Cleo Clemens

younger brother (14): Ace Clemens

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Short almost 5'3", with long red hair and sea blue eyes. she's petite with small breasts but still a beautifully girly figure. Pale skin and thick lashes give the illusion that she is more doll than girl (according to than anyways.)

PERSONALITY That girl is probably just as fiery as her hair, passionate and smart she's got a knack for trouble. Her high sense of curiosity makes her a danger magnet, not that she really cares

LIKES/DISLIKES Likes: coffee, weird things, books, fire, new things. that weird hottie she met (Than)

Dislikes: stupid people, fake boobs, fake people, rude people, that weird hottie she met (Than...it really is a love hate sorta thing.)


I love red hair.

I'm not even fucking with you thats the entire reason I created Jinx. I wanted a girl with god damn red hair.

Now is the time to thank all the pretty natural red haired girls of the world for Soul cuz i have an obsession with beautiful and rare things.

pretty red heads?

bitch they are both.

but what inspired her personality was actually quite literally dolls.

Porcline dolls remind me a lot of women in general, we are beautiful and can take some damage.

Poke us and we seem tough. but be too rough and you get to learn how fragile we really are.

I wanted to highlight that and embody it in Jinx, giving her the looks of a doll the steady strength and the deep fragility.

And hell yeah I did that XD

How to make a Jinx!

The question how to make a strong character fragile is a big one in writing, because lets face it as human (or any species with feelings) we are fundamentally both.

The hard thing is showing both.

Two man damn times on wattpad and even published books have I been faced with what I like to call 'the invincible bitch' you know that heroine who can magically do everything and never cries?

ha fuck that fake shit.

Frankly it makes me angry that someone would create such a disgustingly shallow character and call themselves an author.


I know I know girls who are strong but then magically break down can be very awkward but awkward is better than fake.

Making a girl who is a mix of both is harder to write than you would think.

A character has to be lovable, interesting, fun, exciting, and to many people; someone you could look up to.

So in order to create someone like Jinx who can smile at death 'literally' and take care of her family on her own, who works night shifts and cooks the food, cleans the house and takes her little brother to school but turn around and make her cry in her sleep and run from darkness. it wasnt easy.

To make a confident girl cry is hard work.

to do it well is even harder I find that you can't just make her burst into tears, a strong girl tends to think she has to be strong, therefor they will try and hide their tears.

Hence the nightmares. You can't hide when your unconscious mind is in charge.

So when creating a character like Jinx I think its important to start with what you know her weaknesses and fears are then work on the strong. it might seem strange to start making a confident girl using weakness but just like real life,

bitch you can't be confident without knowing what makes you weak. anything else is a facade.

Don't make facades, make your girl real as can be.


what else?

Jinx's pranks! haha those were a last minute add in.

its a way for her to make herself smile to be honest.

and its fun to write a character who likes fun!

other then that you will have noticed her sudden attempt at withdrawal after finding that Thanatos was an Angel.

Death, a big scary (scary is a synonym for hot fyi) bringer of death she could do, maybe in her mind its what she deserves.

But an angel. from heaven itself.

She probably things he's no longer reachable huh?

you know it.

WHO exactly is Jinx?

Jinx is fun, she's fragile, she's strong, she's a bit crazy.

She can want to pull her hair out because of life but in the end she will still drag her drunk sisters ass upstairs and tuck her into bed.

She's much more gentile then she portrays herself and Thanatos allows her to be that.

He allows her to break down and curl into him and odds are knowing our Jinx

He's going to be the only one to see it.

Jinx is Jinx a doll a fox a flame a liar about her feelings and smart as hell.


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