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book(s):  Chocolate!

Lola...How do I even start to explain Lola? XD this girl is crazy, she's fun, she a totally unstable, a bit of a fetish come to life and just not so plain Lola.

I wanted to create a book with Witches.

BUT I didn't want a stereotype all black 'oh my god I'm a gothic misfit' witch.

How boring would that be?

No, i wanted a witch that no one expected I wanted her full of color and sweetness and yes still a misfit but one who is so lovable it hurts.

And I kind of wanted a stupid one too. XD

A stupid prodigy, you have to admit thats pretty fun.

Her name, Lola was picked for a few simple reasons.

One its derived and associated with the word, Lolita, (its also derived from the spanish name Deloris.) which she does fashion wise. And Lolita is a french novel about an older man and young girl (not gonna go into detail about it because frankly its basically about a child pervert but damn it its good literature.)

I knew I wanted Lola to be sexy and I wanted her to be sexy in that sort of 'it would be so damn wrong to do this girl but fuck I want her.)

Which I think may also be part of Axels obsession with child Lola, carrying onto his urges to 'toy' with older lola. (I'll get more into that when I write about Axels profile in my mini book about my male leads.)

And the name Lola actually means Sorrowful.

Nice right? I wanted the name because it sounded so sweet but it has an air of pain hidden behind it.

Just like how inside Lola is hurting big time.

Basic profile I started with:

NAME Lola Faye

AGE 18

SHORT DESCRIPTION an eccentric and somewhat rude girl who owns her grandfathers old candy shop

NICKNAME Lala as by the children who come to the shop

OCCUPATION shop owner/ high school drop out.

GENDER female


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION small in every way possible, 5'4" with colorful candy hair and and blue eyes. her style is eccentric at best and costumed at 'worst' shes a petite girl with a big attitude

PERSONALITY spunky, crazy, fun, falsely sweet and scary persuasive. easy going.

SEXUALITY ...questionable.

LIKES/DISLIKES Likes: sweets especially chocolate, frills, lace, colorful things.

dislikes: bitter things and stress.


BLOOD TYPE? B positive!

HOBBIES? candy making and eating.

PATIENCE LEVEL? she would probably forget what she's waiting for.

ROLE MODEL? Grandpa!


MODE OF TRANSPORTATION? Old yellow chevy convertible

WEAPON sharpened lollipop stick she keeps between her breasts

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