Slappy's First Encounter with School

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Megan's POV:
So we all sat down in the living room and ate. Apparently Slappy eats wooden food. Which its fine by me. We all had bacon, eggs,and pancakes. And today I almost forgot that I had school today. After I finished eating, I told Slappy to wait downstairs so I could get dressed and ready. I putted on a shirt that had a picture of Slappy sitting in the kitchen corner all floppy with him smiling evilly and short ripped up Jean shorts with black socks and black and red tennis shoes. When I was done with that I got out my makeup and putted blue eye shadow on with mascara and golden lipstick. I then got back down were my dad and Slappy turned back to me. "My beautiful daughter." My dad told me. I chuckled and said :"Thank you." "You ready to go to school? With Slappy?" My dad asked me. I nodded at him while smiling. "What is this school place?" Slappy asked me as I picked him with my purse on my shoulder. "Well it's this place that I go to to learn stuff to be smart. Eventually I will graduate and go to a college which its another school. But it will far far away. But I'm in tenth grade. I don't graduate until twelfth grade." I told Slappy. "I see. Is that we're we are going today?" Slappy asked me. "Yes. Today is Thursday and then tomorrow's Friday and then it's the weekend. We're I don't have school." I told Slappy. "Okay that makes since. Well are we going to your school now?" Slappy asked me. "Yes we are. Bye dad. I love you." I told him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too sweetie." My dad told me. I walked out of the house and down the stairs and towards my bike. Thank god the school lets us leave our books and stuff like that at school since I ride my bike. And luckily I have a basket on my bike and a strap to strap on the basket so he wouldn't fall out. I putted Slappy in the basket in a laying position and putting the strap connecting over him on the basket so he wouldn't fall out. "What are you putting me in, Megan?!" Slappy exclaimed in a freaking out way. "Oh this is a bike. Don't worry it doesn't kill you. It is my way to get to school." I told Slappy. Slappy then calmed down. I putted my helmet on and I strolled down the street to my school with Slappy.

We arrived at school in ten minutes and we were ten minutes early. Which gives me a chance to show Slappy my friends. I parked my bike in the bike parking lot in my school. I took Slappy out and chained my bike. As I was walking into Paxton High School,my school, I was approached by Carly and her bitches. "Oh look! The nerd finally got a dummy!" Carly exclaimed. "Looks like it takes a dummy to get a dummy!" Miranda, one of Carly's bitches, exclaimed. "Who you calling dummy?!" Slappy exclaimed madly at Carly and her bitches. They all three stopped laughing and stared at Slappy in shock. "D-Did he just talk without you c-controlling him?" Marina , the last girl of Carly's bitches, stuttered as she pointed at Slappy. "Yes I did! Now you better leave my master alone or I'll haunt your life's forever." Slappy threatened them. They all ran away in their cheap ass shoes. I was shocked. Slappy protected me?! And he called me 'master.' I looked back at Slappy and he looked back at me with a smile on his face. I felt tears stroll down my face. Luckily I was wearing waterproof mascara. "M-Megan? Are you okay?" Slappy asked me in a shocked way. "Y-Yeah. But you protected me and called me your master.." I told Slappy. "Well that's because I'm your friend. And your servant. Yes I am a jerk in the books and force the girls in my books to be my slave. But made my wooden heart tell me that no..let this girl be your friend. So of course I have to protect you and call you my master. If you don't mind." Slappy told me. "Of course I don't mind. But like call me master once an hour or so. Not like every sentence or so." I explained to Slappy. "Alright. It's a deal." Slappy told me. I then hugged Slappy and he wrapped his wooden arms around me.

The Adventures of Slappy and Megan Book #1 PilotWhere stories live. Discover now