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        She was walking down to the beach for her date with Percy when she heard it. The loud, screeching sound followed by a scream. Luckily, this particular scream didn't sound terrified; it sounded happy. Annabeth turned, looking up at the sky, shading her eyes from the sun.
        'Is Jason flying around with one of Mrs. O'Leary's chew toys?' she thought. It wouldn't be the first time. That boy would do anything to get a laugh out of Piper. 'Did the Hephaestus cabin make another loud one?' she thought. That thought was more horrifying.
        Out from the woods to the left, she heard a loud whoooommf and then a "YAHOO!!". The only one who sounded like that was-
        "Leo? Who's there? Show yourself!" Annabeth called out into the woods. She had wanted to take the scenic route to the beach, to do something nice for herself, and had ended up being threatened by mysterious voices in the woods. Typical. Percy was going to kill her for being late for their date.
        Silence. And then, "Annabeth?"
        Annabeth drew her sword. Ever since the battle against the giants in Athens, she had been putting in extra effort to get better using a sword. She preferred knives, but swords definitely had their advantages. Especially when trying to seem threatening to voices in the woods that sounded like a person's dead-for-2-months friend. "I will only ask this one more time. Who are you?"
        Turning her head, she saw a lone, thin shadow moving into the light. The figure lifted it's-his head to reveal a mop of curly dark hair placed firmly on the head of . . . Leo Valdez. He had looked the same as he had during the final battle, covered in soot, wearing nothing but ripped jeans and a tee-shirt. He had the nerve to smile. "Hola chica."
        Annabeth couldn't believe it. How was this possible? How did he survive? She dropped her sword and ran to him, flinging her arms around her neck. "Oh my gods, Leo!!! You're back, and you're alive! How are you alive?"
        Leo chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Yah, I'm alive. Glad to be back. Being dead sucked."
        At that, Annabeth took a step back. "Wait, so you actually died?"
        Leo turned his head, and ruffled his hair with his hand. "Yah. The Physician's Cure brought me back. Luckily, the navigation still worked on Festus."
        "I thought he was disintegrated in the explosion." She said, giddy with excitement.
        "Obviously not." Leo said, gesturing to the shining, steaming dragon balanced in a log. He took a theatric gasp. "Have you been doubting my craftmanship?"
        Now it was Annabeth's turn to laugh. "Never again. Oh gods, Piper and Jason are going to flip! Do they know yet?"
        He turned red, and looked away. "I- You're the only one that knows."
        Annabeth reached out. Leo, thinking that she was reaching for his hand, stuck his hand out. But instead of grabbing his dirty hand, she grabbed his wrist with a grip of steel and began pulling him towards camp. "Let's go. You have some explaining to do to some very important people."
        Leo began complaining, but was secretly thrilled at the prospect of seeing his best friends again. "Annabeeeeth!" He whined, and jogged with her back to camp.

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