Chapter 22: Summer before year 3

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(a/n) omfg I am a horrible person for not updating until now. However I just have had the worst writers block. Every time I wrote part of this chapter I rewrote it over and over again then I took a break until I got over it. I even watched the movie and reread the book. Anyways on with the story. Warning though year 3 is the one year that I don't really know how to write so it will take a long time to get past this year. But once we are in year 4 it will be smooth sailing for a while. 

Chapter 22: Summer before year 3 

-3rd person pov- 

The summer has been really nice for you. You spent everyday with Draco going out and either playing quidditch or just going around. 

-flash back- 

You were with Draco as usual and you two were walking through the garden behind the manor. Since no one was around Draco didn't gel back his hair like he usually does. 

"Hmm Draco looks better without all that gel in his hair." You thought while looking at Draco. 

"Draco can I ask you something?" 

"Anything (y/n)."

"Can you stop putting all that hair gel on form now on? You look better with your hair like this not combed back."

Draco looked at you and laughed. 

"Do you prefer me with my hair down? Because if you do then I will stop using the hair gel." 

You kissed Draco and said 

"Thank you." 

"Oh I am only doing this on one condition though."

You looked at Draco with a suspiciously. 

"And that is?"

"You (y/n) have to feed me for a week once we are back at Hogwarts. Deal?" 

"Deal. But only because you sir are my future husband and the prince of slytherin." 

You and Draco kiss each other which how you two seal a deal.

"If I am the prince then that makes you a princess love." 

You cringed and said

"Princess sounds stupid. I do not enjoy being called princess. Makes me feel like I am helpless."

Draco laughed at you again and said.

"Would you be my queen? Then we can be the king and queen of slytherin."  

-back to the present- 

It was close to your birthday and you got a letter from Harry. You opened a letter and it said that your Uncle Vernon needs you to be back home because his sister is going to be visiting them and she doesn't know that you were adopted by the Malfoys. You knew that if you asked Lucius that he would probably curse Harry and then say that associating with muggles would be worse than death. So you asked Narcissa. 

"Mrs. Malfoy may I ask you something?"

Narcissa turned to you and smiled. 

"Anything dear and I have told you countless times to call me Narcissa or even mother. Now what is it that you need?" 

You looked at Narcissa and said

"Potter asked me if I could help him with something that involves muggles. And I know that if I asked Mr. Malfoy that he would get angry and who knows what happens after that." 

Narcissa understood why you came to her and said

"Well I understand why you came to me but understand that I too am not fond of the idea. However if this lets you cut all ties to those muggles then go ahead. On one condition. You must bring Draco with you. I do not trust those muggles plus Draco would be perfect proof that you are a Malfoy now. Or rather soon to be Malfoy." 

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