Chapter 22: The dementor

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(a/n)- Okay so umm its been a month of being MIA and in all honesty its because november is video game month and i lost myself in video games. Forgive me! Anyways I am so happy to know that people like this story and that I am able to make so many people happy. Anyways I know that some things in the story dont make sense and I am sorry about that. On with the story. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I owned Harry Potter I wouldn't be writing a fanfic. XD

Chapter 22: The Dementor

-your pov- 

I was sound asleep when the sun hit my face disturbing me. I slowly opened my eyes to meet the sleeping face of Draco. I completely forgot that Draco and I shared a bed and I was blushing a little bit. Draco just looked so peaceful. I started to move his hair out of his face when I saw that he was smiling. 

"Morning love." He said without opening his eyes and just smiling.

"Morning Draco. I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry about that." 

Draco was now looking at me smiling. We both then sat up and stretched our arms. I got out of bed first and walked to a dresser to look for a change of clothes. I found a white button down shirt and a black skirt. I grabbed the shirt and skirt and went to the bathroom to change. I got changed quickly and folded my pajamas neatly. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Draco was already changed and waiting by the door. 

"You know love that you don't have to fold your clothes right?" 

"I know Draco but it is a force of habit. You know what they say old habits die hard." 

Draco and I laughed at my little joke. 

"Well that is besides the point. Come on mother is waiting for us for breakfast. After breakfast we have to get to the train." 

Draco opened the door and I ran past him and said

"Last one there is a rotten squib!" 

Draco seemed to be angry that I got a head start and began to run after me. In no time Draco caught up with me and we were pushing each other in order to get a slight lead. Unfortunately we arrived at the same time but I wasn't going to let him know that. 

"Ha I got here first Dragon boy." 

"No way kitten I got here before you." 

"Did not." 

"Did too." 

"Did not." 

"Did so." 

"Alright, alright enough you two. You both got here at the same time. So stop fighting about it and sit down before your father gets here." 

"Sorry mother." Draco said. 

Draco and I were walking to our seats and sat down right when Mr. Malfoy walked into the room. To say that Mr. Malfoy looked annoyed was an understatement. He looked absolutely livid. 

"What's wrong father?" Draco asked his father. 

"It seems as though Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban and is going after Potter and you (y/n). I am more worried for (y/n) than anything else. Sirius Black was put into Azkaban because people believed that he is a follower of the Dark Lord. Which he isn't. None the less Azkaban is the one place where everyone goes a little crazy even if they are only there for a few months. I want you (y/n) and you Draco to be careful while at Hogwarts. The minister of magic has sent dementors to guard Hogwarts so be careful." 

Draco and I nod our heads. The rest of breakfast went off without much problems. Draco and I got our permission slips to be able to visit Hogsmeade on the weekends. I asked Draco where our books for this year where as well as the rest of our school supplies and he said that they are already on the train. 

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