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~Stella Jacobs

"What the fuck did you just say?" I demand rather then ask the bitch infront of me.

"You heard me. Your just as fucked up as your moth-" I didn't let the skank finish before I took my fist and slammed it into her nose.

"Talk all you want about me." I bend down to the bitch who is currently lying on the floor holding onto her nose that is pissing out blood. "But don't you dare talk about my mother. Ever." I hiss into her ear.

I will admit I do have a temper but I hardly show it. I have great self control, but Rachelle fucking Adams knows how to light the fuse to my tampon.

That bitch just knows how to run her mouth.

I've never personally been affected by Rachelle before now, I've always just keep to my circle but its known fact all over school that Rachelle is the bitchest of bitches.

But today was when she made the stupid mistake to try and sink her claws into me.

Her ex-boyfriend Cole Davis had attempted to rope me into a date with him. Of course I flat out turned him down because of the fact that I simply do not like him. He's so full of himself.

When Rachelle got word of this, probably from one of her many followers, she was fuming.

And here we are now. The bitch knows everyone's weak points. No matter who you are in this school. She has read every students personal files.

Her mother's the principle of the school, so has this idea in her peanut sized brain that she 'rules the school and everyone in it'.

I just don't get some high schoolers, they think that the meaning of life is your popularity status at high school.

Wake up honey. High school is temporary, we all leave some day.

So of course Rachelle thought she could bring me down just like any other of her victims. Exposing their secrets.

But not this time bitch.

"How fuck'n dare you." A deep voice comes from within the growing crowed that I just now realise I've attracted.

Looking up I see the Rachelle Bitches brother, Riley. And boy does he look like a raging bull.

He storms towards me with a raised fist ready to punch me.

I am disgusted by any man who willingly lift a hand towards a women. No matter the cause.

Before he can land a punch aimed to my nose, I block the hit with my left arm and send a hard punch to his nose.

Now he has a matching broken nose as his sister that he cares so much about.

"Now you match your sister." I smirk towards him.

"You BITCH.!" Riley roars spitting blood on the floor that has flown from his nose into his mouth.

"I fucking dare you to try again." I'm all but passed pissed at this point. Once I'm angry there's no turning back for me. It takes a while for me to get my anger back into control.

I don't always get violent, but when provoked I will.

There's only a hand full of people on this earth that knows how to bring me back from the darkness.

And unfortunately for Riley, who is tempting my building anger, not one of those few people are in the watching crowd.

"You'll regret ever living you little bitch." He spits back at me.

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