Chapter 3: The Resistance

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The Host gave a brief summary of the movie than said her regards. We leave the room in a single file line. Avery catches up with me on the way out and we walk to our house together. Minutes of silence passed. Avery broke it with a statement that purely disgusted me,"I think the movie was great!"she says, as if she watched a clip of a butterfly fluttering in the wind. I wanted to cry. My face goes pale. "Why do you look so put down?" She questions me, "Um... I'm just nervous about going into the upper program." I lie. ", it's going to be okay, you should be excited!" I fake a smile. I realize that we were standing in front of my house. She walks away to her house, and I go in mine. My Mentor sees me walk in, I wish she didn't. "How was the movie?" she asks, "Great." I reply, then I walk upstairs to my room. I lay in my bed, tears slowly run down my cheeks. I feel the hot warmth touch my skin and slowly trickle down my cheeks. I face plant into my pillow and sob. I scream, " NO ONE FEELS THE EMOTION I FEEL! THIS WORLD IS FAKE. CHILDREN ARE DYING!" I walk to the security camera at the edge of my room and rage. " YOU DID THIS. YOU FUCKING DID THIS. WITH YOUR LIES AND BRIBING. I SEE THE CRAPPY FAKE SMILES YOU PUT ON EVERYDAY. YOU DID SOMETHING TO THESE POOR PEOPLE!" I stop, " You did something to these people." I stammer. I back away from the camera, which started to blink red. The speakers in the house blare,"Under the violations of the code, unauthorized language, shouting, and extreme emotion, we will come pick you up at a time for the start of your therapy." The speaker cut out. I have to run, I realized. I grab a few clothes and my red ball, I was going to get some food but my Mentor grabbed me. "Where are you going?" Mentor asks. Like she doesn't know, she heard. Then, in a split second, she pins me to the ground. I feel drops of water touch my face, and I see her crying. "Please. Don't go. I will fail." She stammers. I hesitated, then it hit me. They weren't coming to take me to therapy, They were coming to kill me. In a desperate attempt for escape I grab the collar of my Mentor's shirt. The thin fabric rips in the back, and I saw something unbelievable. Her pale back had a pair of wires attached to each side of ten of the biggest spinal plates. The wires went through the skin and attached at the brain. So this is what They did. Connected wire to the people to create mind control. Mentor saw my face. "Run."she said quietly, "RUN!" In the back of my eye, I saw my Mentor spasming out. "My name is.....ELi...ElI-Za-bETH."she says as she starts to gasp for air. I couldn't watch. I started to run. I knew I couldn't stay in The Community, so I ran to the only place I could go. The Forest.
"Huh?" I felt tugging on the string I tied some meat to. It was a deer, as always. I quietly loaded my rifle, and aimed. Easy kill, as always. I stroked my gun and look at the etch I made in it. I read my name, William M. Canley with a tiny skull next to it. I was alway good at drawing, and killing too. I suffer from severe ADHD(They say that to be nice but I know it's something more), which caused my to get slightly homicidal thought and actions. After accidentally stabbing someone five times, they assigned my to the hunting. My dark hair whisked across my face. Ugh. He hated Fall, too much wind not enough animals. I set up a trap with another chunk of meat. Slowly, I drifted into a deep sleep in my tree.

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