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       Caeli's POV
      I was walking down the hall. And I've been bullied before, but Ethan and Gray would stop them. But they aren't here. "Caeli just die already. You know you're ugly. Nobody wants you anyway." The school bully, Lucas said. Then my friend, Dana walks up and AGREES with him. "Ya just go die already!" She says. That's it. I ran to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone. "Gray please answer." I murmured to myself. He did answer so I said "Please come get me. I hate this place. No ones here to stop the bullying. Please?" I was practically crying by now. "Hey... Calm down. I will be there soon. Go to the principals office and talk to hom. I'll be there in 10. Bye." I hung up. I went to the principals just like he said. I told the principal everything and he said "Oh I'm very sorry. But you like to do our online school? I believe the Dolan twins are doing it." I smile grew on my face for the first time today. I nodded. He set everything up. "You can start it tomorrow." "Thanks Mr. Thompson." Then the office lady called into his ro on the intercom. "Mr. Thompson is Caeli still in your room?" "Yes I will send her out now" I got up and left. Only to see both twins at the office. "Thanks guys" I say walking out of the school. "No problem. Um... We have to tell you something." Ethan says a little worried. "Sure" "Well me and Gray were gonna tell you yesterday but we forgot. So we are gonna tell you now" I nodded. Then Gray spoke up. "Yea ok. So we are gonna on this tour in a few days. It's called Magcon. We aren't gonna be home for. While." My face dropped I instantly became sad. Why? "Oh uh... Cool."I say I was gonna cry. But I can't let them see me. I ran in the wrong direction to my house. I don't care. I started crying. "Caeli wait!" I heard Ethan yell. But I ignored it. I went to a hiding spot from when I was a kid. Whenever I was upset I used to come here. "I can't believe it. I won't have my best friends with me for a while. What am I gonna do? Ugh!" I said to myself. Later on I decided to go home.i got home and went to my room. My mom was at work and so was my dad. I jumped on my bed and plugged in my phone. 10 missed calls from Ethan and Grayson. I texted them both in a group chat.
C: Hey guys....
E: Where the heck were you and why didn't you answer the phone!?
G: Ya Cae you scared the poop out of us.
C: I'm sorry ok? I just needed to be alone.
E: Ok. Well while you weren't answering the phone I decided to talk to Bart, the creator of Magcon.
C: And I care because...?
E: Well it took my a while but.... He said you can come!!!
G: Yay!
C: Yes!!!! Wait my parents...
E: Don't worry ours talked to them already. lol.
C: Ok! I will start packing! When do we leave?
G: Thursday
End of convo
Yes! I will be with my best friends foreva!! I decided to turn on music. The first song, This is what it takes by Shawn Mendes. I sand along to it. "I watch your troubled eyes as you rest. And I fall in love with every breath. I wonder if those are really shut. And am I the one your dreaming of. Cause underneath the darkness there's a light that's trying so hard hard to be seen. And I know this cause I've noticed a little bit shining through the seams. And if this is what it takes let me be the one who beats the pain. Oh if this is what it takes ill break down these walls that in our w-" I heard a knock on the front door. I stopped packing and went down to the door. I saw Ethan and Grayson at the door. I opened it. "You know you interrupted a Shawn Mendes song and me packing right?" I asked sassily. They laughed and we went to my room. "I'm gonna continue." I said turning on my music. I missed the song and the song is now, Wild Life by Jack and Jack. I didn't know the words very well so I just packed and danced. "Let's join her" I heard Gray tell Ethan. And soon enough we were all being goods dancing to music while I packed.

>About 2 hours later<

I finally finished. "Heys Gus, I'm really tired. Can I go to sleep?" I asked them. "Sure. Do you want us to leave or...?" I shook my head. I went upstairs an jumped in bed. Literally. I turned on music and it first played Stitches. My favorite song ever! I soon fell asleep and last thin I felt was like 2 people sit on my bed.  

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