Chapter 1

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It has been two months since Dylan moved to Toledo and he's made a big impact already. As he rolls out of bed he knows that today will be a good day because he'll get to see Ross.

Dylan turns and looks at his sleeping wife ,Mel ,Giving her a sad smile. He misses the days where he would be excited to come home and see her, but now all he wants to do is get away. That was one of the main reasons they moved to Toledo, they wanted to rekindle their love. However Dylan knows that there's a great possibility that their 8 year relationship will soon draw to a close.

Carefully as he changes into his work clothes he makes sure that he is quiet so that he dosen't wake Mel. He wants to have a good day and he knows that if he were to see her it would change in a second. Dylan grabs his keys, phone, wallet, and briefcase and creeps down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. He opens the front door and quickly leaves the house, excited to leave the ugly blue house that Mel insisted on having. He unlocks his mini van and cringes from the loud clicking sound it makes. Since they got the mini van Dylan has wanted to destroy the awful machine. It was a desperate plea to plan a family to save their relationship but that plan crashed and burned about ten minutes after they bought the wretched vehicle.

Although Mel has always wanted children, Dylan can't stand them unless they're at least three years old ,but sadly you can't choose the age of your baby before it comes out of the womb. He didn't want to crush Mel's dream, but thankfully the mini van did that for him. Now they're stuck with the awful car that they can't trade in. They both find the whole situation ironic, the car salesman hates his car.

Dylan turns into the dealership driveway and smiles when he sees Ross' dark red mini van in the 'top sellers' spot. At times like these Dylan dosen't hate his car as much just because Ross has the same thing. It was actually Ross who sold Dylan and Mel their awful light blue gas guzzler.

He parks and grabs his things, rushing to get inside. Dylan pushes open the glass doors to Toledos Tires, the cold air hitting him. Almost instantly Dylan's closest friend (other than Ross of coarse) since he moved here, Veronica, rushes up to him and informs Dylan that Ross has got something special for him.

As soon as Veronica leaves to help a customer Dylan sees Ross walking toward him, coffee and a doughnut in his hands, smirking as usual. "Morning Dylan" Ross says as he approaches Dylan "I got you a doughnut and coffee, two cream and sugar just how how you like it."

Dylan blushes a bit but tries to hide it to keep up his family man image. Everyone knows about Mel so they can't know about his dirty little secret.

Dylan takes the cup and doughnut from Ross and takes a sip and smiles, genuinely happy by way Ross makes him feel. "Thank you Ross, this really means a lot." Dylan smiled "That's what friends are for, right?" Ross responded, much to Dylan's disappointment. Hearing the word friend crushes Dylan, for he was hoping that Ross felt the same way that he did.

Dylan swallows his pride and looks Ross in the eyes. "You know everyone here has been nice to me, but none of them as nice as you. It's surprising because I kick your ass at selling cars." Dylan smirks at how easy it is to get Ross mad with one phrase. As much as Ross tries to hide his anger it still shows.

"You wish that you were better than me. I'm so good I sold you your own car." Ross chuckles and grabs Dylan's doughnut and taking a big bite out of it. "This is really good, I should've gotten myself one."

"Did you stop just to get coffee and a doughnut for me?" Dylan asked, not even trying to stop the growing blush. The fact that Ross would do that warms his heart. Mel would never do something like that for him. Sure, she would eat his food like Ross did, but unlike Ross she wouldn't go out of he way just to get him food.

Once again Ross laughs and he puts his arm around Dylan's shoulder. "Of coarse, I knew you were having trouble at home and i would hate to see you upset." Ross beamed, equally as happy as Dylan to be so close together.

"Yeah, Mel and I haven't been great" Dylan said, leaning his head on Ross' shoulder. "The spark is gone, she's a burden just to have around. We thought that this town would be good for us, but instead I've just grown closer to other people." Dylan said not even caring that he wasn't upset by his failing relationship. Dylan was just happy to be so close to Ross, not knowing that Ross is equally as happy.

Ross just rubs Dylan's back, unsure of how to respond. Mel had said the almost exact same thing to Ross' friend Dakota. While Dylan is crushing on Ross, Mel is in a similar situation with Dakota. He makes her feel like a brand new woman, so she can't wait to end things with Dylan.

They both want to end things, but both fear of hurting the other person. It's a continuous pattern that's only going to end in disaster. Neither of them are going to end up happy, which will just create tension.

"Things will get better, but now I need to destroy your selling record." Ross smirked.

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