It was you!...... Who made me fall out a window?

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❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

I've just been saved. By who, I have yet to find out. I'm too tired and confused to figure it all out. I hurt pretty bad, but the adrenaline makes me stay conscious.
"Who.... Who are you?" I ask quietly. We are going so fast and I bounce up in down in this strangers arms, and I smell a strong sweet smell that smells sickly familiar yet my brain is too shaken up to recognize it. I try to twist my head back to get a look of their face, and when I do I wish I hadn't. My eyes meet the ruggedly handsome, dark face of none other than Anthony McQueen.
"Oh, no thank you? You know who I am baby doll."
And then I black out.

💀 Anthony Pov. 💀

I couldn't help myself. It made me want to punch someone that those  "friends" left her to fend for herself after she could barely stand. I guess it made me mad. Besides, I might get something good out of all of this. I had to do something, so I went over to scoop her up. They were obviously a bunch of amateurs, they yelled so loud I'm sure the whole Country could hear them. It didn't surprise me the cops showed up. And look where I am now. Trying to sprint to my bike while carrying and ungrateful, unconscious girl in my Arms. Good thing I'm buff. I see the cop cars pull in so I duck behind some trees, and start to sneak quietly towards my bike. I guess it was good I decided to park near the back entrance, where the cops wouldn't enter. The only problem now is how to get there without being noticed. I weave between the shadows, still careful to keep an eye on them. I don't have too much to worry about- it seems they are too busy staring at the statue to look for anyone. Idiots. I spot my bike and make a mad dash with her still In my arms. Crap. She's passed out. She's going to fly out into the road if shes like this. I'm running out of time! As if God can hear my prayers, she suddenly opens her eyes and squints at me while groaning.
"Hurry, get up!"
I whisper.
"The cops are here, and you gotta hang on tight if you want to make it out here without becoming road kill!" I toss her my helmet but she just stares at it confused.
"Get on!" I hoist her up myself finally and I swing my legs over the bike.
"Hold on to me tight, and don't pass out! I'm taking you home."
"My head hurts...." She slurs.
"I know, but the hospital will wonder why you're covered in crap so I have to change your clothes."
Before she can say anymore I shove the helmet on her head, without hurting it and I wrap her arms around me.
"Squeeze." And she does. After that we drive out into the night, on our way to my house.

❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

I'm currently sitting on Anthony's bed, wearing a shirt 3 sizes too big, with cold water dripping from my hair as an attempt to wash out any evidence. A pillow is propped under my ankle and I'm holding an ice pack against the swollen lump on my head. I have so many questions I need answered right now. Why were you at the highschool? Why did you save me? How did you drag me out of there without getting caught? What are we going to do now? But for some reason my slushed up brain only has one thing it's concerned  about.
"Why does your mom snore so loud like that?" He just stare back at me until he suddenly bursts out laughing, which makes me jump.
"Seriously? I just saved you from getting arrested and all you can think about is why my mom snores too loud?"
".......apparently." I answer.
"She's drunk. So drunk she wouldn't wake up if the world was ending."
"Oh." Is all I could come up with. I don't really know anything about his family. I never see them, all I know is that it's just him and his mom.
"Oh God, what am I going to do! I'm all beat up and there might be something wrong with me!" I'm so scared and in pain I can't even think about how mad I am, I can't really think of anything.
"Relax, I'm going to take you to the hospital and make sure your okay, and then everything will be okay."
I can't think. I can't think! I'm trembling and shivering from the cold water all I want is to go to bed and pretend this never happened. I can barely walk, the police are going to find out, and then they will know I did it! They'll collect samples of my blood, saliva tests the works!
"Hello.....? Anybody in there?"
He's waving his hand in front of my face, the movement makes me dizzy so I smack it.
"Ouch, this is what I get from saving you? Ungrateful..."
"Just shut up!" I scream. I concentrate on his room, it's nicer than it looks from the window, but it smells like smoke and that makes me want to puke even more. His walls are black and covered in posters from all kinds  of bands I don't know (also pictures of hot girls.)
"Hey listen," he steps toward me and I look up to his face his dark eyebrows are laced over his mysterious long lashed eyes. His eyes, they look brown and so dark. Have they always been brown?
He smells like a thick cologne, and leather. His hair also looks so soft.... I want to touch it. He also has really nice...
"Everything's gonna be okay, but we really have to get you checked out. You hit your head pretty good. Not to mention that ankle of yours." As if on cue my ankle throbs and I grit my teeth and choke on the pain.
"Okay. I agree." I feel like I'm missing something, a puzzle piece my brain can't quite put together at the moment. My head is fuzzy, I'm sure it's nothing. We sneak back outside easily, well not for me. I kind of hobble while grasping onto Anthony's jacket, and then once again we board his motorcycle as we make our way to the hospital. The... Hospital.

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