A Highschool Drama, Starring Me?

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❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

My alarm clock blares into my ears, quickly prompting my heart to drop to the floor. I've never dreaded going to school this much in my life. So much has happened the last few days that I feel like if I got to school I won't come home alive. I don't know how Hannah's going to act, but I'm so confused and angry, I'm not sure I even want to talk to her.

I just entered the hallways when I immediately spot it. Down The distance between the pristine corridors of perfectly painted lockers, the monster stares back at me with a solemn face. I stand  glued to my spot, no one else notices us, but it feels like we are the center of everything. I start to retreat when I see the monster move towards me with tears under her eyes. It quickens her pace, so I quicken mine. I run even faster until I back into a warm, solid chest. I spin around to apologize, but the person grips my arms and grind down at me. Of course. It's Anthony.
"Hey Kitten, where you heading."
All I do is look back at the monster. The  monster is staring strangely at the two of us. I look back at Anthony, but his eyes have gone cold, like water freezing over into ice. He wraps an arm around me- and that's when everything changes. Our peers are like dogs, they sniff the air with the sudden change in the atmosphere, and spot the error in the perfect universe. An outcast, with the arm of the most talked about person wrapped around her. They don't know what to think of this. I shiver in fear, this can't be good. My fear worsens when I spot the cheerleaders gawking at us like they just witnessed murder. Queen Bee Bethany stands in the center like the leader of a pack of wolves.(pretty accurate description of you ask me. Arrogant, self obsessed wolves.) She stares at me with daggers in her eyes. This can't be good. She puts on the fakest smile known to man as she slinks towards us, but Anthony doesn't show any outward signs of being worried, he just keeps his arm wrapped around me, warm and heavy. "Anthony! So happy to see you! Umm, you didn't call me this weekend. Why?" She puts on a pouty face and I suddenly want to gag, she just ignores me, but her servants still eye me down as they walk up behind her.
"Sorry darling, I'm a busy man. Had to help a friend." She then turns her icy stare to me and I realize I was who he was referring to.
"Oh. Didn't know you two were all buddy buddy now."
She makes no effort to disguise the disgust in her voice, and I suddenly feel the urge to giggle in all of my nerves- and am surprised when Anthony laughs instead.
"Well, actually we are neighbors. That little display in the hallway, we were just kidding around. Me and Alahn here, we're tight." And he squeezes my body against his making me nervous laugh.
"Yep" I add.
"Tight" and I punch him in the ribs. Hard.
"Hahaha oh you!" He laughs through his teeth.
"Always do like to push my buttons." And he starts to tickle me. And we stand in the hallway laughing as we prod and swat at each other. No one else looks amused. In fact, the whole school looks at us horrified. Especially Bethany. "She looks like she wants to slit my throat. I swallow.
"Well." Bethany starts.
"Find me if you want a real good time." She says as she runs a finger down his chest. And she saunters off with her minions trailing behind her. I snort, and Anthony laughs along with me.
"So, how about we go to the stairwells my lady."
"What! But class is gonna start soon!"
"So, you will make it, we still got like 5 minutes. And besides, you know if I leave you alone, that chick that ditched you is just gonna keep stalking you."
I look back to see if I could see her, and  I see the monster we speak of staring at me, her eyes showing the emotions she feels, but I turn away when her boyfriends profile creeps into my vision. I look at Anthony's face, he's smiling, his eyes shining with mischief, and his dark hair spills over his eyes. I sigh in defeat.
"Fine. But hurry I don't wanna get caught entering class late with you."     
"Don't worry about that, I'm skipping."
"Ugh I should've known." 
He just laughs and drags me away from there.
He continues to drag me away, and suspicion gnaws at my chest. Dear God, that stupid pact, I forgot all about it, and he's gonna act out on it now. Eww.
Finally, he stops, and I take a look at our surroundings. A corner in the staircase, and a large window filled with sunshine overlooking the lush green football field is behind us. Not many people come over here in the mornings, and a clock reads that there is 7 minutes before the bell rings. He looks at me, and the sunlight turns his eyes into a watery dark color that I can't decipher. Blue? Hazel? Weird. I haven't noticed that his eyes are like that. Nerves start to bubble inside of me, and he smirks, showing off two sexy dimples. Wait, sexy? My throat feels dry, like I just swallowed some dust.
"Hmm. Remember that pact we made?" He whispers.
"Umm, I uh yeah um I do." I croak. Stupid. I'm getting all flustered! Come on there's nothing to be nervous about. He kisses so many girls, he'll probably just stuck his tongue down my throat, and practice calculated, rehearsed moves that he does on every girl. That calms me, and I stare back at him, as he draws closer.
"What I meant to say was yes, I indeed remember." He just draws me closer and I stare back, unaffected. (Well, as much as I could manage.) I've kissed before, but it was only awkward, middle school dance kisses, where everything was weird and charged with puberty. This would be my first real kiss. He gets closer and closer, and finally his lips are sealed over mine. I'm shocked as warmth spreads throughout me, it feels so different in every way I could've ever imagined. His kiss is actually quite gentle, and its all lips. They aren't just  soft and smooth, they feel kind of chapped, and I like how they feel Raw  and real. His breath doesn't taste like tobacco, or strong mint like I thought it would. It's just warm, and perfect as his mouth pressed against mine. I feel breathless and dizzy, and my knees start to dip, and I just happen to steady myself by grabbing onto his shoulders. His fingers graze my cheeks, and he pulls away while my heart is beating rapidly out of my chest. I expect him to go back, and stick a tongue in my throat, but he doesn't. He just stands away from me, and he has the warmest smile, as his eyes twinkle. I feel like my heart will explode from all the feelings. The light reflects off his hair, and he starts to step away. I don't know what I'm supposed to say, so I blabber.
"Your mouth hurts." I feel dumb as soon as I say the words, and his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. He just laughs, and bites his lip. My mouth burns at the sight. I just kissed him, and my cheeks flame hot. I look away, I try to look mad. I don't like how I feel.
"What ARE you looking at I squeal!" He just laughs.
"Your so weird!" He states aloud.
"Well your dumb!" I retort.
"Farewell!" I screech and I briskly walk past him gathering my things as I wobble to first period, right as the bell starts to blare. I'm furious and I don't know why. Probably because I think I wanted him to kiss me again.

❤️ Alahn Pov. ❤️

Lunch time finally rolls around, and I have mixed feelings about it- here are my reasons.
A- people have been staring at me all day, for obvious reasons regarding a certain someone. (Cough cough Anthony cough) lunch will either provide the opportunity to escape the chaos, or for more chaos to erupt. I am still unsure.
B- I will have to face the monster and it's boyfriend, I am not sure how it would unfold as well.
C- I will have to face Anthony because as a man of his word, I haven't seen him today because he has decided to go AWOL. Well, he's just decided to skip you could say.
D- Bethany. Let's just keep it at that
E- I love food.

I have the right to feel conflicted! My fears escalate as I spot pretty much everyone I don't want to see. Hannah is hesitantly walking to me, unspoken words bubbling off of her. Anthony is conversing with cheerleaders (including Queen Bee) and stops to walk towards me cuing the rest of the lunch to resume staring at us in confusion. I wish I still had crutches so I could bat them away, but my body healed pretty quickly. Thankfully though, everyone stops when the head principal commands us to be silent over a bullhorn. Thank the Lord.
"Greetings students! as you may know, someone or some students, have recently committed a rather serious prank on our rival school." My relief suddenly vanishes, and I sit at the nearest empty table, I can feel Anthony and Hannah stiffen in my mind. In contrast, all the football players whoop and holler, obviously glad, and some other students, and the cheerleaders join in. Matt included.
"Students, students please! This is serious. Whoever did this will face serious punishment because they damaged another schools property severely. If any of you have suspicions of who committed the crime, please come to see me in my office, there will be officers investigating as well that you can tell. That is all. Continue your lunch and have a good day."
Panic sets in he pit of my stomach and I chew on my nails. This is not good. I feel a hand in my back.
"Hey there. You alright doll?"
"Look, I'm not really in the mood right now, so if you came here to make out with me it's really not the-"
"Hey Alahn. Could we talk."
I feel an angry chill on my back as I instantly recognize the voice.
"Why, so you can run away like the coward you are!" I spit angry.
"Alahn, Alahn, Alahn I'm so sorry! I never meant to, I swear!-"
"Sorry won't cut it this time! Friends don't do that to other people! Nothing you say will make this situation better!"
"Hey guys is everything okay."
Matt cuts in, he wraps an arm around Hannah and looks at Anthony to acknowledge his presence.
"Cut the crap Matt! Ever since you came along, my whole life has ruined!"
"Alahn! Don't say that!" Hannah cries out.
"Don't you dare! This is all your fault, it will always pick him over me!"
Tears well up in her eyes, I obviously struck something raw with that one.
Matt looks at someone behind us, and smiles at the person.
"Bethany! Wassup!"
My throat goes cold, and I turn to confirm my awful suspicions.
"Hey Matt! Gotta game coming up I'm pumped! Hey Hannah, how is my favorite new pep squad buddy doing!" I taste something bitter and gross as I look at her.
"Good." Is all she manages.
"Pep squad? What?"
"Oh hey you! Yeah, Hannahs on the Pep rally team now. Helps with all that game spirit! You could say we are all.... Tight."
She smiles the most venom laced grin, and I want to choke her.
"Anthony, you left us! Come on let's head back over to the girls," she grabs his arm, but he quickly unravels himself from her grasp making her face show a sour disappointment.
"Hey, what's wrong baby?"
"Sorry doll, but I'm busy today, I'm hanging with Alahn, because I'm, how do you say it,.. Tight with her."
He pulls me against him, and I land on his chest. She looks furious, and her face is bright red. It's like a movie, we are the stars and everyone else is watching our movie, waiting to see what's gonna happen next. Except there's only crap to eat, and no popcorn.
"Well. Have fun. But know your missing out." She shoots one last poisonous look at me and makes her way over to her table. The whole cafeteria is on the edge of their seats. As if noticing this, he turns to me, completely ignoring everything else.
"Cmon, how bout we go somewhere else. Lunch is almost over anyways."
"Oh whatever, but we are not repeating This morning Mr. Arrogant!"
"What happened this morning?" Matt butts in.
I try to talk, but Anthony steps in front of me.
"I don't believe she was talking to you, dude. You guys better be going." Hannah stares at me, but I look back at her, harder. Trying desperately to express how deeply she hurt me, and she looks away. Making me frown. Just then, the bell rings and everyone files out.
"Wow. Lunch flies by fast, better get going to our next class." He grins.
Oh great I forgot. PE. I groan as I run away from all of them. I just want this highschool drama to end.

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