Chapter 1 - The day

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- This is not a normal fan-fiction. In this story - Justin is not famous, his mum is Pattie. He has sisters but sadly not much friends but has Ryan! And Justin's already with someone. I didn't want to those stories were they fall in love etc. But this will get interesting as it goes, Promise. - Just to let you know.

Justin's POV -

I groaned, squinting my eyes shut I held the grip of something soft tighter. I rubbed my eyes roughly with my spare hand and fluttered my eyes open slowly. Once I fully opened them I quickly shut them again and groaned louder, the sun coming from the window was not helping at all!

This time I opened them again but looked the opposite way from the window. I looked to my left and saw the most beautiful human being ever. There she was, lying on my chest with her arms wrapped around my torso.

I yawned staring at her beauty still. The memories of last night flashed in my mind. I smiled to myself running my fingers through my hair. "Ugh" I gagged touching my now sweaty and non-attractive hair. I desperately needed a shower.

Slowly un-wrapping my arm from her, I took her arm off me gently and then got up with a bed sheet around my waist. I went in to the bathroom and began my shower that I was excited for. To have all that nice hot water dripping down on me relaxed me quite well. The thought of it made me more desperate...

After having the amazing shower I walked back in, in my towel to see the bed already made, the clothes off the floor and a disappearing girlfriend. Scrunching my eyebrows of curiosity, I walked to the bed which was close to the door. Once I picked up some new clothes that were laid out I heard the shower in another room on. Nodding in knowledge of where she was I started putting on my clothes which was a white t-shirt, black jumper and red baggy chino's along with black supra's and a chain of course.

I sat on the bed waiting for my girl - Jasmine. She had black hair, brown eyes and is beautiful. I love her and I was yearning for her touch.

I played around on my phone since I really didn't have anyone to talk to. I had a few messages from Ryan - My best friend and only who I replied to.

I fixed up my hair a little and waited for Jasmine to walk through those doors looking sexy as always...

And just as I thought she came in, in a big t-shirt that had a rainbow of colours splatted on it along with the number 7 on both the sides of the arms, her favourite number. She also wore black shorts with see-through tights. I smiled checking her out. She smiled back and walked over wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hey" I said, leaning my forehead on hers. "Hi" she said timidly which I found it to be adorable.

Without saying any other words I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. "Mm" I moaned in to the kiss once she kissed back. "I had fun last night." I mumbled in to the kiss. I heard the giggle slip out of her mouth. I could feel the heat rising up on her cheeks making me smirk.

After one last peck we pulled apart. "C'mon I'll take you home." I said licking my lips savouring the taste of hers. I pulled her to the door and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Once we made it to the car we drove off to hers.

"Bye Justin." She said giving me a hug and big kiss. "Bye baby, I'll call you." She nodded and gave me a peck and then got out of the car. I couldn't see if she went in because I was near the end of her street. Her family didn't know we were together and so didn't mine. They were strictly against it. Well against having a boyfriend or girlfriend that is. My mum and her mum knew each other, they were pretty much friends.

I drove off to my home. I and Jasmine would always have nights like this. Not just the sex but sometimes we'd watch movies all night in our rented apartment that we stay in most of time when we hang. Or we just sleep or something.

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