Chapter 9- Bonding?

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**First a HUMONGOUS thank you to @HauoAiren for helping me push through my writers block and get this chapter up for you guys. I don't think I did any of your suggestions justice, but I tried haha. Anyways, sorry its so late!! But at least I didnt quit!**

"Bonding Night." Coach Burns said as we stood in a huddle. "You guys need it. Just get closer, you know?" He looked around at the offense starters and explained his plans. "So tonight I'm calling off practice early and you're going to Luigis to eat pizza. No excuses. Now go." He turned and headed for his office.

After changing, the team headed for the parking lot. There was only eleven of us since he was just sending the starters. Nobody complained about 'bonding time' considering we got to leave practice without conditioning.

Jordan put his arm around me as we walked to his car. We weren't officially dating yet, but we were definitely closer than before. Alot closer. I leaned into him and sighed with content.

"So bonding night. This should be fun." He said as he opened my door. I waited until he got into the drivers seat to respond.

"I think it will be good for us. I'd like to get to know everyone." I said as I reached for the radio dial. I didn't recognize the song that came on, but it was catchy so I didn't change the station. Jordan reached over and tangled his fingers with mine. I looked over to see a smile playing on his lips. It felt perfect.

When we pulled into Luigi's most of the team was already there. We walked in and found Braden, Travis, Seth, and Blake seated at the longest table in the room. I took the spot beside Braden and Jordan sat on my other side. We made small talk until the rest of the team got there and we ended up with a full table. Parker sat across from me and Hunter sat as far away as possible.

"You know, I had my doubts about you. But you turned out to be pretty kickass." Travis said, approvingly.

"Thanks. I learned from my dad and my brother." I told him.

"Wheres your mom?" Parker asked.

"My parents are divorced. That's why I moved here in sixth grade." I gave the necessary details, leaving out some more personal ones.

A silence followed my statement so I changed the subject. "Who are we playing on Friday?"

"Blue Mountain Falcons." Seth responded. He didn't seem happy about it.

"Are they really good or something?" I questioned.

"Their defense is amazing. Coach will have us working our asses off tomorrow. And I've got some payback for an asshole who broke my hand last year." He explained.

The waitress came over and took our order. Soon four large pizzas were delivered to our table and the conversation ceased while everyone stuffed their faces. I grabbed three pieces and put them on my plate, quickly downing the first two. Blake looked from me to my plate as I moved on to my third piece.

"Damn girl you can eat!" He exclaimed.

"How are you not like obese or something?" Braden asked.

I peeled a pepperoni off my last slice and stuck it to his face. Jordan, Travis, Seth, and Blake erupted into laughter. Braden stuck his fingers in the breadstick dipping sauce and smeared it from my forehead down my nose. I smacked him on the arm and then excused myself to go clean up.

I went to the bathroom and cleared my face with a wet papertowel. I re-did my ponytail and as i was leaving the bathroom I saw a boy in a Riverside Football t-shirt walking towards me. I recognized him as the asshole I met at the cointoss on Friday. I tried my best to hide my face as I walked by him

"Hey, you're that joke of a Quarterback from Brookview, right?" He stopped in front of me, blocking my way out of the bathroom hallway.

"The one that kicked your ass? Yeah, that's me." I retorted while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fiesty. I like it." My skin began to crawl as his eyes darkened in color.

"What the hell are you doing in Brookview anyways?" I asked. I was getting irritated and I wanted to get back to Jordan.

"My girlfriend lives here. I'm with her."

"Then why don't you go back to your tramp, and I'll finish eating with my team." I tried to push past him but he blocked my way. He was pretty bulky for a highschooler.

"I'd rather play with you." He whispered into my ear. Until now I couldn't smell the alcohol on his breath. Great, a drunk douche bag. HIs hand moved to my chest and he turned us both so my back was against the wall. I squirmed so I could pull my arm up and my hand instinctively formed a fist. I slammed it into his cheek and he stumbled back a little.

"Now, no need to be violent." He said. He came back to me and his hand pushed in between my legs. I gasped and shoved as hard as I could to no avail.

"Jordan!' I yelled, hoping ar least someone would hear me over the chatter in the resteraunt.

"Shut up." He pulled what looked like a pocket knife from the back of his jeans. Okay. This just got serious. I stood frozen and waited for someone to come to my aid.

Jordan and Blake showed up seconds later in the hallway entrance. Jordan ran at the guy who had me pinned to the wall. He pushed him off of me and I felt his knife slide across my arm. Just a small cut, but enough to make me hiss in pain. It had to have been an accident. He didn't really try to cut me, did he? Jordan punched him once in the face and he was down. Blake came to me and put a hand over the cut to stop the bleeding.

"Are you okay? Who was that guy?" He asked, while looking over the rest of my body.

"Just some asshole from Riverside. I'm fine." I pushed his hand away and replaced it with my own.

Jordan came over and argued with my evaluation. "Your arm doesn't look fine. Blake go ask Luigi if he has a first aid kit. And get Braden. I'm pretty sure he's certified in this stuff." When Blake was gone he continued talking. "What did he do to you? Tell me everything."

"Nothing. Just being a creep. That's all." He didn't look convinced, but he stopped asking questions as Parker and Braden showed up with the whole group in two. Braden walked over to me with the first aid kit and looked over my cut.

"Is that a knife wound?" He asked while looking over the whole scene. Drops of my blood stained the carpet and Riverside kid was waking up. His pocket knife rested on the floor next to his hand.

"Yeah that little bitch pulled one on me."

"He what?" Travis asked. He walked over to the perv and pulled him off the ground. "How the hell could you possibly do that to a girl?" He threw his fist into the guys nose and a crack sounded through the hallway. He fell back to the ground clutching his face.


Braden got finished with Alex's arm pretty quickly and we left while the rest of the team stayed. Blake and Travis wanted to come with us but with one look from me they shut up.

I can't believe I let that creep get to Alex. We've barely started the season and she's already been hurt more than enough. Maybe football isn't such a good thing for her.

I walked her to the car and opened her door as she got in. I went to the drivers seat and before we left the parking lot Alex's phone started ringing. She talked happily for a second before she sounded panicky. Her words got quicker and choked off. When she hung up she turned to me with tears in her eyes. Alex doesn't cry unless she's injured.

"Jordan go to the hospital. Hurry. Dad had a heart attack."

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